Harnessing the Power of Nutrients
Protein and Longevity

Protein and Longevity

Q&A Files #301 Early Release Podcast

This is the winning question for the pre-AMA Masterpass member question submission contest.

It comes from Christina Kang:

Hi Chris, I'm sold on the need for more protein, especially as a (gracefully) aging woman. However, there seems to be concern with high protein intake as related to 1. cancer, 2. longevity/mTOR activation. Can you share what quality research actually shows (or does not show) and explain the mechanisms, if applicable?

Short Answer: While protein restriction may have value in people with established cancer or kidney disease, cycling robustly between fasting and feeding states is likely to provide all the value that restriction of protein or calories might otherwise provide, and a high protein intake supports bone mass, muscle mass, and the detoxification of carcinogens, all of which are important to longevity.

This is a clip from a live Q&A session open to CMJ Masterpass members.

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This snippet is from the August 15, 2022 AMA. The full recording and transcript is reserved for Masterpass members. Here is a preview of what’s included:

Ask Me Anything | August 15, 2022

Protein and longevity, sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG), foods vs nutrients, nitric oxide, when salt water can't hydrate, collagen, blood sugar spikes, A and D, K2 causing nosebleeds, and more!

The questions include:

  • Does which food you eat matter when everything is digested anyway?

  • How to know if your nitric oxide is dilating your blood vessels properly?

  • How big of a problem are transient glucose spikes above 140 mg/dL?

  • Can I take too much collagen?

  • What is the maximum dose of cod liver oil safe to use long-term?

  • How much A is safe to take when I need so much to resolve my symptoms?

  • Generalizing from cell studies of green tea catechins to cups of green tea per day.

  • What to do about lumbar discs bulging?

  • Why would vitamin K2 cause a nosebleed?

  • How to balance A with D when I react poorly to D and need so much A?

  • Why would COVID decrease HRV long-term?

  • How to raise secretory IgA?

  • Rapid-fire answers to pre-submitted questions that didn’t win the contest: alternatives to bone meal powder, herbal tea and nutrient absorption, retinol-binding protein, improving fat digestion, metal provocation tests, fatty liver, high-dose B vitamins, eyebrow thinning, itchy bumps after exercise, brain fog and rifaximin, low cholesterol, tolerating chlorine pools, cycling nutrients, copper toxicity, stopping supplements before blood tests, COVID vaccines causing post-nasal drip, natural vs synthetic vitamins, absorbing iron through baths, elevated EPA and DHA in RBCs, COVID affecting the vagus nerve, supplements for athletic performance, when water doesn’t hydrate, tics and Tourette’s, recalcitrant homocysteine, fraud and corruption in scienctific research.


I am not a medical doctor and this is not medical advice. My goal is to empower you with information. Please make all health decisions yourself, consulting sources you trust, including a caring health care professional.

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