I write about harnessing the power of nutrients.

I combine my scientific expertise with out-of-the-box thinking to translate complex science into new, practical ideas that you can use to help yourself on your journey toward vibrant health.

I stand for free speech, bodily autonomy, and medical freedom.

I stand for food sovereignty and the right to farm.

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The other tabs provide features available to Masterpass subscribers.

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Masterpass Membership

Here is a rundown of what you get when you become a Masterpass member.

Premium Posts and eBook Guides

Premium posts are highly actionable content that will contribute to future digital products offering guidance on specific health issues. These guides are available for purchase to anyone, and are freely available to Masterpass members once they come out. You can see previews of the premium posts here, and you can see the collection of ebook guides here.

Question Contest

Intermittently — the frequency is yet to be determined — Masterpass members participate in a question contest where they vote on each other’s questions. All questions get short answers and when the community is so moved, discussion, but the winner gets an in-depth, well-researched article, video, and podcast from me.

Masterpass Forum

This is a private forum in the form of Substack comment threads where Masterpass members can ask questions or start discussions with one another. I participate several days a week.


✅ Nutrition and Immunity. 2 hours on the role of nutrients in the immune response.

✅ Vitamins and Minerals 101. 29 fun and light-hearted lessons on individual nutrients.

✅ Masterclass With Masterjohn: Energy Metabolism: 39 lessons on how we utilize food for energy, emphasizing biochemistry and the implications for how we eat.

✅ Masterclass With Masterjohn: the Antioxidant System: 12 lessons on how the antioxidant system works, and how protein, vitamins, and minerals fit in. 

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Subscribe to Harnessing the Power of Nutrients

Scientific expertise blended with out-of-the-box thinking for new practical ideas you can use to help yourself on your journey to vibrant health, by Chris Masterjohn, PhD.


I specialize in independent nutrition science research and education. I stand for free speech, bodily autonomy, and medical freedom. I stand for food sovereignty and the right to farm. PhD in Nutritional Sciences from UConn Storrs, 2012.