Vitamins and Minerals 101 Premium
This is a 29-lesson course designed to bring someone from "beginner" to "intermediate" level in learning about vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids.
This is a 29-lesson course designed to bring someone from "beginner" to "intermediate" level in learning about vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids. Although it's free of technical jargon and thousands of beginners are loving it, many scientists, clinicians, dietitians, and other health professionals are finding each lesson to be a great refresher and to always have at least one hidden gem that they didn't know about, often something game-changing for their practice.
The first three lessons are free, and the rest are reserved for Masterpass members. Learn more about the Masterpass here.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A makes for moist eyes, smooth skin, strong immunity, healthy vision and sleep, and many other amazing benefits.
Vitamin B1: Thiamin
Thiamin is "The Carb-Burner."
Vitamin B2: Riboflavin
Riboflavin is "The Fat-Burner."
Vitamin B3: Niacin
Niacin is essential above all to a healthy mind, a healthy gut, and healthy skin.
Vitamin B5: Pantothenic Acid
Pantothenic acid is "The MYSTERY Vitamin."
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 is "The MAGICIAN." ✨
Vitamin B7: Biotin
Biotin is "The MASTER BUILDER."
Vitamin B9: Folate
Folate helps form healthy babies and healthy blood cells, clears the "stickiness" out of our minds, and does so much more.
Vitamin B12
The critical partner of folate in methylation and of biotin in energy metabolism. B12, moreover, makes for a brilliant brain throughout our life.
Assisting B12 and folate, clearing the liver of fat, supporting fat digestion, supporting cell membranes, and contributing to memory and sustained attention are among the critical roles of choline.
Vitamin C
From preventing scurvy to immunity to preventing peeing too much, maintaining the color of the skin, eyes, and hair, to boosting brain power and sex drive, vitamin C does it all.
Introducing Vitamin D, Calcium, and Phosphorus
Calcium and phosphorus are best friends. Vitamin D is their chaperone.
Vitamin D in Sunshine, Foods, and Supplements
Eating from the sea, lying naked in the sun.
Calcium and Phosphorus in Foods and Supplements
Calcium is so hard to get, phosphorus so hard to avoid!
Vitamin E
The "fertility vitamin” does so much more.
Vitamin K
Putting calcium where it belongs, allowing proper blood clotting, and playing surprising roles in exercise performance, hormonal health, and cancer prevention.
Essential Fatty Acids Part 1: Omega-6
Sealing all the barriers of the body and controlling all things inflammation are they’re most important jobs.
Essential Fatty Acids Part 2: Omega-3
Resolving inflammation and boosting brain health are they're biggest jobs.
Boosting blood cells, strengthening bones, providing color to the skin, hair, and eyes, clearing histamine, boosting brain power, assisting iron, and frequently the partner of vitamin C.
Iodine nourishes the thyroid, softens the breasts, and revs up the whole of metabolism to make all the other nutrients do their jobs better and faster.
Known best as the substance of blood, iron is also as important to the thyroid as iodine, essential to all aspects of energy metabolism, a critical antioxidant, and yet also has a dark side.
Needed for every use of cellular energy and to make every protein, magnesium is literally necessary for everything that happens in the body.
Manganese protects mitochondria, cleans up ammonia and glutamate, makes glucose, collagen, and cholesterol, and helps with skin health, PMS, and osteoporosis.
Sulfur handling, uric acid, detoxification, and DNA protection are its star roles.
Introducing Salt and Potassium
Hydration, power, transport, communication: these partners are ubiquitous throughout our metabolic systems and bring our bodies to life.
How Much Salt and Potassium Do We Need?
Round and round the guidelines go, but how much do we need? Here's what we really know.
Salt and Potassium in Foods and Supplements
Dietary patterns; special considerations for junk food, grain-based, keto, low-carb, high-fat, and carnivore diets; managing blood levels; salting food and taking supplements.
Selenium is all about resilience to stress. Seafood and organ meats are more consistent sources than Brazil nuts, but to the greatest extent among any mineral, the soil reins supreme.
As universal as magnesium in the production of proteins, zinc also plays a special role in allowing the body to respond to fat-soluble vitamins and hormones.
Hi Chris - I read the first three articles for free and am interested in the full course, but one thing I can’t tell is, is there some kind of “putting it all together” or summary / synthesis section? I ultimately want to use this course to plan a more nutritious diet for me and my family but I feel like that could be overwhelming. Thanks!
Has this taken place of the physical book that I pre-ordered a few years back?