Jan 4, 2023Liked by Chris Masterjohn, PhD

My quarterly goal: by the end of this month, change my diet to mostly keto with an eating window of 10am to 4:00 pm. This is due to the adjustment of working evenings at the gym and not be able to eat past 6pm, less my IBS decides to rear its ugly head. In this process, I expect to loose 8 - 10 lbs and 2 inches of my waist...with a goal of March 30th - April 10, 2023. A little flexibility can go a long way!

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Great! Let us know how it worked out at the end of the quarter :)

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Self spreading vax this is. DoD bioweapon. My health 'goal' is not to be killed by vax transfection. Avoiding the vaxxed as I can. (I live with a vaxxed person, am trying to remedy this asap). I think I have 'some calmari' in a leg vein, and ordered a d-dimer test to see, from Life Extension. (was under 100 bucks). If true, must pay for chelation out of pocket. Otherwise I have achieved my health goals, I am so far un-jabbed with the bioweapon. Finally to avoid having to take care of the vax damaged which includes former loved ones. Oh, and maybe a tattoo on my forehead that says 'How do you like the genocide so far?"

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My guess is that risk of “shedding” is highest in the first couple of weeks after the first shot, and lower after the boosters with a more limited timeframe, and that spreading of the spike protein subunits is probably much more likely than spreading of the mRNA, and that making out with the person and swapping saliva is probably the only way to get serious transfer in the days after the shot.

So if you aren’t physically intimate I think it is low risk, and I also think whatever has happened already is the worst of it.

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Thank you Chris. I would also consider that most of the dead bodies are being incinerated, that the incinerators are placed locally throughout the world. I have 2 or 3 such places within a few miles of me. What happens when you incinerate a body filled with graphene and nanos and spikes? Also, sitting next to someone on a bus is also problematic. Add in chemtrails and the addition of nanoparticles to many products like makeup and who knows what, even baking soda is being found to have graphene in it. So....I think the transfection of nanos and graphene accomplishes the goal, once 5G is added to the equation. Darn it all.

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Most of that stuff will combust during incineration.

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The Initial Stages of Melting of Graphene Between 4000 K and 6000 K

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If that’s when it melts, it would sublime at higher temps, so if the incineration won’t lead to those temps, how would it contaminate you? It would be left in the refuse.

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by Chris Masterjohn, PhD

Mine is to take a cold shower every morning upon waking.

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Continue with cancer care through nutrition and naturopath and avoid the cancer Mafia, a.k.a. pharma oncology! Lose more weight, too. One thing COVID has done for me is wake me up even more! I have learned to do even more of my own research. My regular PA is fantastic about alternative care and nutrition and working with the naturopath. She did offer the jabs, but never pushed after I said no!

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I’m glad you have some great folks on your side! Let us know how your journey has gone at the end of the quarter!

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I love this!

My 1stbquarter year goal is to breathe and go for checkups. I will speak up more and I will eat better.

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I definitely love the idea of a quarterly health goal! Establishing better daily habits will be my theme for Q1. One of them, for example, is to get to the gym 2x/week (that’s 2x more than I do now lol). I won’t worry about body composition or what “routine” I use (though some improvement in composition could be a natural result of just establishing the habit). Just get there 2x / week. Successful establishment of some key habits by April should set the foundation for Q2 goals!

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Yes this is great. You should definitely only bite off what you can chew, and if you haven’t been going to the gym, getting there 2x/wk is a great KPI.

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Apr 13, 2023Liked by Chris Masterjohn, PhD

Q1 in the books with Q2 established and underway. I’m loving this idea of quarterly goals so far. Tweaking what maybe didn’t go as planned the last quarter and adding new milestones to the new quarter is a great way to re-motivate and stay on track!

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Q1 is in the books. I’m almost done with xeloda. I am very VERY tired and have an assortment of side effects but my blood work looks good. Now we wait for scans, get this port out of my chest, and get on to the post-war Reconstruction.

Interestingly they gave me brand-name xeloda instead of the generic for this latest cycle. Cigna said they were having trouble sourcing it. The rep didn’t know if it was a supply or a demand problem. 😬

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My quarterly goal is to try to eat 30 to 45% protein diet daily and stay in a calorie deficit. I want to lose the first 15 lb of covid fat gain. I think I've probably gained 20 to 25 lb of fat. My feet have hurt so bad since I have gained weight over a certain point and I can't run without foot issues now.

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Goals this quarter: To improve my vitamin A (retinoic acid) and copper status despite the fact that I don’t have access to testing to monitor levels. To discern the difference between toxicity and poor conversion or transport. To try Sesamin and Forskolin as they impact the same fat burning processes as retinoic acid and copper (delta 5 desaturase inhibition and cAMP) To address fatty liver and inability to build muscle which is causing weight gain that can’t be corrected by diet and exercise. With the goal of finding the physical strength to work full time instead of part time.

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That’s a lot of goals! How are you going to address A and Cu without testing?

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Good question. I have tried to focus on eating liver which I love and crave but one serving ends in insomnia and dry eyes which I can only correct with more vitamin A. When I just take vitamin A I get neck pain that is only corrected by copper. I recovered from severe anorexia with thiamine, niacin, and vitamin A among other supplements but I still have symptoms like night blindness that point to deficiency and have not been able to gain muscle - only fat and all around my middle. The only tests I had access to here in Canada were for ceruloplasmin and it was normal. I’m glad I did not use that indicator or I would still be starving myself due to the vitamin A deficiency. I watched a video of yours where you seemed to indicate one should deal with fatty liver before correcting vitamin A but what if you have fatty liver because of vitamin A deficiency? I’m hoping Sesamin can maybe help clear some of the fat away as it inhibits an enzyme inhibited by vitamin A and copper. Sorry :( lol this is a question that probably requires a consult but if I could afford that I could also afford to get vitamin A and copper blood level tests done. I will just have to do the best I can with what I have and listen very closely to my body.

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How do you know you have fatty liver and how do you know it’s due to vitamin A deficiency?

Where does zinc fit in here? It’s needed for activating vitamin A.

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I don’t know that I have fatty liver. I just know that I have in inability to use fat for energy and rely on carbohydrates and protein for that and I have a disturbing amount of fat accumulated around my middle and the inability to build muscle. When I was skeleton lean because of anorexia it gave the illusion that I was in shape but I was, even then, unable to build much muscle. My supplements now help me take up fat but I cannot burn it. Zinc causes my joints and connective tissues to disintegrate. I’m guessing it does this by increasing matrix metalloproteinases which adequate vitamin A levels suppress. Niacin activates vitamin A for me. It took me way too long to take niacin because of all the warnings online but until I did against all professional advice even the smallest dose of vitamin A gave “toxicity” symptoms. The main symptom being extreme bone pain. Now I don’t have any of those toxicity symptoms. I have Northern European ancestry - white blonde hair, hardly any pigment in my hair or skin. The healthier I get the more melanin is produced. I have a hereditary weakness in Branched Chain Amino Acid Catabolism. My father’s family is Mennonite and in the past children died in infancy from Maple Syrup Urine Disease. I do not have this disorder but after having Lyme disease this weakness came to the surface. Elevated levels of Leucine block the conversion of tryptophan to Niacin and this impacts vitamin A metabolism. I take biotin and the cofactors for BCKAD to get leucine levels as low as possible. It has taken me years of reading your material to understand enough of how these things all work together to get these practical results. I am in an online group of women who benefit from these same supplements and their ancestry is from the same region of Europe and they all seem to have these elevated levels of Leucine without having a genetic disorder. The women with migraine benefit from zinc but those of us with Interstitial Cystitis do not. We require large amounts of retinoic acid to restore the lining in our bladders. I regret having taken so long to have raised my dose but all the warnings online not to do over 10 000 iu’s deterred me and have kept me in poverty as my health has prevented me from working. I just need to suck it up and be brave because someone needs to pioneer this for all the other people suffering who don’t have the means or access to testing. It’s so confusing because our vitamin A deficiency symptoms are not the classic ones ex. no keratosis pilaris etc. Yesterday I took 80 000 IU and feel like I am finally getting normal mucus membranes. I of course would NEVER recommend this to someone but in the end I hope to share my experience. It’s difficult when all the wise and prudent say “Don’t”. What is the alternative? Lay down and accept a slow malnourished death?

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I think it’s a harmful myth that there is a binary distinction between “having the disorder” and being a carrier for it. As you noted, carrier status does impact your amino acid metabolism, and if it is doing that it is almost certainly impacting your ATP levels, which can have all kinds of secondary effects on mineral transport, especially copper since all the copper transporters are ATPases.

Not having access to testing puts you at a huge disadvantage in that you are highlighting mechanisms that are plausible but you have less opportunity to verify them so you have rather sophisticated multi-layered theories of what’s happening but you may often be operating several steps removed from something where one of your assumptions was wrong.

My impression right now for example is that you have low ATP compromising copper transport (globally low ATP could cause something that looks like a mix of Menkes and Wilson’s without being either) and the zinc is leading to more metallothionein binding the copper and that’s driving the connective tissue issues.

The keratosis is related to the most classical vitamin A deficiency sign, xerophthalmia, which is Greek for dry eyes, and is a result of lack of mucous, and animal experiments show that in severe deficiency all epithelial tissues inside and outside the body are converted to keratinized tissue, leading to a global lack of mucous secretion in all mucous membranes.

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Thank you for acknowledging that being a carrier has an impact. Here there is a strong belief in eugenics here and if I admit I have a Mennonite parent the only medical intervention they suggest is sterilization. It’s like having to wear a yellow star. I realize that I am at a huge disadvantage without testing and if I could I would absolutely do it. But if you look at the study for the link above I’m not just shooting randomly in the dark. It’s confirmed that vitamin A as retinoic acid is the solution for my Interstitial Cystitis but no doctor or naturopath will administer the treatment. So I read a week ago that for children with severe vitamin A deficiency they give doses of 200 000 iu of vitamin A two days in a row. I did not have the courage to go that high but felt only positive affects at 80 000 iu. So I did that for 4 days and then stopped when I felt the first subtle twinge of a negative affect. 4 days of high dose vitamin A and what I think is known as Hunner’s ulcers in my bladder are completely healed. The urothelium was finally able to regenerate itself. Zinc has always worsened these wounds. Years ago I was told I had D. or B. Fragilis. One of these gives off a toxin that increases matrix metalloproteinases but non of the pharmaceuticals given to treat it could eradicate it because in vitamin A deficiency you have excess secondary bile acids on which this (parasite?) thrives. I might now actually be able to take zinc without it eating holes in my tissue. There are so many women with this problem and not one doctor out there offering this treatment. You can only get retinoic acid when the bacteria has finally given you colon cancer and you might not even then. Women need to know that with the right cofactors (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin for BCKAD and calcium) short term high doses of vitamin A are safe for them. And it needs to be acknowledged that urinary and bladder pain is one of the first signs of vitamin A deficiency for some people. My first bladder pain started over 40 years ago as a child after receiving the MMR. This polymorphism in branched chain amino acid metabolism impacts vitamin A metabolism. They just keep saying : Interstitial Cystitis no known cause no known cure and keep prescribing anti histamines and chondroitin sulfate which only worsen the condition. Oh ya, and my energy level and body temperature is way up :)

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Hello, Chris;

I'm 67 & have asbestosis so my goal is to try to regenerate lungs/lung tissue.

I don't know if it is possible but some studies hint that in certain conditions it happens.

So that's my health goal for the next quarter, half, 3/4s, etc.

May not work but better than not trying.

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Awesome. Sorry to hear about your condition. What are you going to do for it?

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I want to get back into eating Carnivore only. I did it for a little while before the pandemic and was feeling wonderful. I have so many food sensitivities and auto-immune issues that I'm just going in circles!

I quit carnivore because I was losing weight (muscle mass I think) too quickly. I need to educate myself on how to overcome this next time. I suspect I'm not eating enough protein. 🤷‍♀️

Thank you for sharing your goals with us Chris!

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Yeah if you’re doing high fat you might not be getting enough protein. Supplementing a little dextrose powder or 10 g carb from white rice and a little bicarbonate (half tsp twice a day on empty stomach) can reduce muscle catabolism.

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Happy New Year! I want to identify my path forward following cancer treatment to optimize my recovery. I was cared for by a new onc as well as a naturopathic oncologist and have had a good response but treatments were not without side effects. Looking forward to rebuilding resiliency in body and mind with healthy food, sleep, exercise, and stress management, for starters.

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Awesome, please let us know how it has gone at the end of the quarter.

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deletedJan 3, 2023Liked by Chris Masterjohn, PhD
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You got this!

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