Love this:

“We need to default to time outdoors, positive views of sunlight, freedom and resources to produce food the old ways, minimizing the use of toxic chemicals in processed foods, relying on pharmaceuticals when necessary, not when convenient or as a first resort. “

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Here https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/our-rulers-will-give-us-politicians is a wise and very insightful take on how the tyrant billionaire oligarchs (fake "populists") in power are using people like RFK Jr. to throw us a bone and lure us into tne empire's fold. People like RFK Jr. (or Tulsi Gabbard is another example) who say a couple things we like, but who overall go along with the ruthless life-destroying abusive and war-mongering program of our oligarch rulers for the surveillance and technocratic imprisonment of humanity for the sole purpose of the domination of the few over the many and for the concentration of the planet's wealth in the hands of the 0.1% and for the pitting the 99% against each other. A highly recommended (short) reading https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/our-rulers-will-give-us-politicians

IMHO, the way we do lose is by believing the billionaires' propaganda story that the only two options we have is one or the other of the factions of the elite.

The way we do lose is by falling for the traps of these scumbags, getting excited by the crumbs our jailors and abusers throw at us, viewimg them as our saviors and going along with their oligarchic anti-life program. This is all detailed in the essay above (as well as rhe profoundly important links leading out from it).

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Wow! I never looked at it this way. This piece makes a lot of sense and hits hard.

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This post is the only one that makes sense and is based in reality...and the only one Mr Masterjohn didn't like....it's called "Hopium" .. I understand the addiction to it..As the alternative is not pleasant to say the least....

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Precisely, and without massive $ fines for resting in public landspace between sunset and sunrise for even short periods of time. Here in my community (Moreton Bay Region City, Australia) I could be fined $8,600 for stopping to rest at a park, sitting down in my deck chair, and accidentally falling asleep for a few hours.

At present I'm recovering from a mild stroke. I have to rest frequently during a day out, and get into a deep restorative sleep as I progress my recovery.

I want this to be outdoors in my favourite ocean front parkland which has a magnificent breeze, a safe place to surf/swim, an outdoor shower. All of these things hasten the rate of my recovery.

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How could any sane person disagree with finding the root cause of our childhood health epidemic right now?

The sick people in this country are the ones taking Western medicine and eating Western foods. The healthy people are the ones avoiding them. And we will bet anyone $100,000.00 to prove it


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RFK? A lone voice for integrity in a shark infested pond of

vested interests, jingoism and a nasty smell of corruption. He may not be perfect, but he’s a damn site closer than the piranhas he’s up against.

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Which is why he in the hearings floundered and did NOT speak what he knows to be true about that ALL vaccines never did what they were claimed to do and most cause if not immediate harm...definitely weaken all who have had them and it's a fact the polio vaccine introduced cancer in the human population.....there is not way our rulers will allow him to be appointed..no way. And if in the spirit of theater that is all politcs is they do for a minute..like his uncle the former Pres and his father they will murder him so fast it isn't funny...

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Human beings need hope. That is what RFK Jr. represents. Cynicism is not helpful. I hope he is confirmed.

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Thank you immensely for this post. My prayers are with RFK Jr., and everything he could bring to the task. I'm a lifetime Democrat who has had her eyes opened over the last four years. There are many, many of us. I'm grateful for scientists like you who are speaking up.

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I agree this is not a time for black pilling. The system needs a serious shaking, and RFK has the potential to be the man to do it.....IF Trump doesn't try to shackle and gag him. In full light of his shortcomings and failures that all of us have, I believe he is our best chance of moving us towards needed reform of our public health agencies.

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wow. i'm actually shocked. i am a physician. polio killed or paralyzed over 500,000 per year before the vaccine and in the 100s currently with the vaccine. do you think that's coincidence? both the salk and sabin vaccines were tested extensively for safety and effectiveness. over the decades the rates of death in the few countries without vaccination remained high, then dropped precipitously when the vaccines were introduced. you want a randomized control trial? are you kidding? i don't think you understand how clinical trials work for serious diseases. you don't do randomized controlled trials for seat belts, home fire extinguishers, sprinklers in office buildings, reinforcing concrete, cigarettes on airplanes, swimming pool safety gates, speed limits. do you also want randomized controlled prospective trials for providing food to children in countries with famine? the issue kennedy doesn't understand is that vaccines are about public health, not individual. you don't get a vaccine based on your willingness to take a risk on your own health. you get a vaccine to decrease the risk of infecting others and killing others. if you care about anybody's welfare beyond your own.

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I haven't studied the western vaccine history, but this is not at all the case for the vaccines currently used in South Asia, where their efficacy is demonstrated by negative stool tests for type 1 and 3 polio in a bunch of children who are all equally paralyzed.

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"As a physician" also, vaccines don't get an automatic promotion to the status of "life saving" interventions to justify your comparison with seat belts. Like other drugs they should be properly tested. Scientific proof of the safety and efficacy of many of the vaccines is lacking.

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It would have been ideal to do randomized cluster trials of seat belt policies at the outset.

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How many GM Corvairs full of children would they have had to ram into a wall for you to give your blessing on seatbelts?

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I don't think you understand what I just said, at all. A cluster RCT of a new policy does not involve randomizing individual cars to accidents.

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no, it involves assigning clusters of cars to accidents. kids would still die unnecessarily. i don't think you understand which studies can pass human subjects committee scrutiny and which cannot. you simply are not allowed to run studies in which many more subjects will almost certainly die than if the study were not run just to document efficacy. when a drug is being studied, and after 3 months, the treatment group is all alive and half the control group is dead, the clinicians are REQUIRED to stop the study early and give everyone the treatment.

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It does not involve randomizing anyone to an accident. Geez.

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how about 83 kids dead of measles in samoa since the prime minister, inspired by his friend rfk, banned the measles vaccine. is that enough of an "experiment" for you? samoa has a population of 225000, so, if rfk bans the measles vaccine in the u.s., we will likely see about 125,000 kids die of measles over the following 5 years.

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It’s not only about what’s in the vaccine, but how it is administered.


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Have a look at the link between DDT and polio. They used to spray it all over the children to treat head lice. It’s a neurotoxin.

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Here https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/our-rulers-will-give-us-politicians is a wise and very insightful take on how the tyrant billionaire oligarchs (fake "populists") in power are using people like RFK Jr. to throw us a bone and lure us into tne empire's fold. People like RFK Jr. (or Tulsi Gabbard is another example) who say a couple things we like, but who overall go along with the ruthless life-destroying abusive and war-mongering program of our oligarch rulers for the surveillance and technocratic imprisonment of humanity for the sole purpose of the domination of the few over the many and for the concentration of the planet's wealth in the hands of the 0.1% and for the pitting the 99% against each other. A highly recommended (short) reading https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/our-rulers-will-give-us-politicians

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If blackpilling is correct, we lose either way. If it's wrong, something could get better, or maybe we win. Blackpilling is in general the art of preaching learned helplessness.

In any case, we will see whether we went through more wars or fewer wars in four years.

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IMHO, we don’t “lose” by removing from power the anti-life tyrant oligarch abusers, bullies and jailors (whether they call themselves republicans or democrats)n their global murder, initimdation and bullying machine and their technocratic prison for their domination over us.

But rather, the way we do lose is by believing their story that the only two options we have is one or the other of the factions of the elite.

The way we do lose is by falling for the traps of these scumbags, getting excited by the crumbs our jailors and abusers throw at us, viewimg them as our saviors and going along with their oligarchic anti-life program. This is all detailed in the essay above (as well as rhe profoundly important links leading out from it).

PS. The american corporate-banking billionaire’s empire (and its puppet represebtitives in tne fake right and fake left) is in a perpetual state of global war, bullying, intimidating and encircling the entire planet with their global execution force for the sole purpose of stealing and concentrating the planet's wealth in tne hands of the 0.1% and for tbe purpose of cementing the domination of the few over the many.

The perpetual division, hostility and war that the elites have moved us into is how the oligarchs billionaires and their propaganda media (including numerous paid jnfluencers in tne mainstream "alternative media) divide and rule us and pit tje 99% of humanity againat each other (and then selling it to gulluble people as ‘bringing freedom and prosperity to the world’). So to say "we'll see in four years if there's more wars" shows a profound level of ignorance of how the billionaires' global empire functions..

PPS. And just to clarify, I think RFK Jr is great on some limited issues and i actually used to passionately campaign for him before waking up to the bigger picture and what he is being used for and what he is a part of..

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@United Against Oligarchy

Very well said!!

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He's not perfect, but do you have anyone that's better and stronger to fight for our health? Just like Trump, he's not perfect. But they could be the best choice at a specific time.

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I hear you and understand. However, my comment was NOT about whether he is perfect or not (i personally think RFK Jr is great on some limited issues and i actually used to passionately campaign for him before realizing the bigger picture of what he is being used for abd what he is a part of), but rather my comment was about something different entirely. Kindly read the comment again (as well as my reply afterwards to Chris) if there’s an interest to understand what i am saying.

And BTW, I also just published a short note about this, and you are also welcome to see my posts for further elucidation, if there’s an interest. https://substack.com/@headandheart1/note/c-89589245

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I am not convinced by RFK either. He has a history of too many goofy claims and still not over his bias about vaccines after the whole Samoa incident in 2019. I agree with some of his positions and it may yet be a net positive but I remain sceptical as he has a tendency to oversimplify complex issues. It provides good sound bites for the common man but not often backed by evidence. Time will tell

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Read his book “the real Anthony Fauci” every single statement, carefully referenced and backed up with evidence. This is a polite way of saying I don’t agree with what you’ve written.

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counter disagree. I also don't beleive RFK jr is good (either by lack of competency and/or DGAF about health of people).

This strong position came from that (received clear science claims against covid and was enthusiastic - and then complete flip and ignore like it never happened, not even replying a "your wrong", because it would only incriminate hin more ...) :


But also complety agree that

> Blackpilling is in general the art of preaching learned helplessness.

The worse is that hopeless mentality, changes can be done, as long as there is will / engergy to change.

and I would certainly want someone better than him (like someone that doesnt seems like wanting to maintain the conflict so that he can maintain influence in his role of mediator - but instead someone that truly want to resolve the conflicts where health wins)

But I also certainly wouldn't want someone worse that will hinder even more health progress.

So I wont propose giving-up just because its not the best option, or even worse destroy the little positive points he might give just because we become so bitter we prefer to burn it all rather than get the little things.

But instead keep finding better ways to do things, and keep increasing the progress

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RFK Jr is absolutely ridiculous, and the idea of him gaining this position is so preposterous it sounds like a SNL skit.

In another timeline, you would be writing well-informed essays debunking his claims.

I don't see how we got here.

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I can tell you exactly how we got here: lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccine mandates, and censorship.

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There is absolutely a middle ground between those things and RFK Jr.

Very easy to find a person who both likes/understands science and values freedom.

RFK Jr is like burning down your house in order to get rid of a mouse.

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You don't get middle ground after that.

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Occam's razor is that the best information we had at the time regarding a novel virus was imperfect, and at times turned out to be wrong, but it needed to be shared due to the urgency as the disease was spreading, people were getting sick and dying. Lockdowns, masking and vaccine advocacy, and misinformation control are all rational responses in the face of a threat of an unknown degree. The government isn't competent enough, especially on such a short time scale from when the virus began spreading, to pull off a massive conspiracy theory to line the pockets of big pharma. Credible leaks would be everywhere, not just the uneducated ramblings of RFK Jr.

I get the frustration of corporate capture, but the analogy below is spot on, "RFK Jr is like burning down your house in order to get rid of a mouse."

Here's what a scientist like you, Chris, should be saying in response to RFK:


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No, he’s the only good think in this entire administration. I WISH he’d be allowed to do what he knows is best but my fear is that all the maga donors who profit from the corruption and crap he wants to shut down won’t allow it anyways.

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More nature, more evidence. Now if that isn't a perfect rallying cry...

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Yes, RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard and all the others to come must be confirmed.

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"We need more NATURE and better EVIDENCE." ... bingo

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I'm all in!! Thank you Chris and RFK❤️

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Agree 1000%!!!

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