Support RFK Jr. For HHS Secretary
This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to rein in the corporate stranglehold over medicine, health, and food, in the United States.
The RFK Jr. confirmation hearings for HHS Secretary have started today.
As with anything in politics, it’s going to be messy.
The salient point here is this: this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to inject a stalwart defender of nature, the environment, medical freedom, informed consent, vaccine truth and safety, regenerative agriculture, and freedom to consume raw milk into the most powerful health-related position in the world.
If RFK Jr.’s influence fades on a failed confirmation, we are going to see folks like Larry Ellison rise to take his place. Ellison told us last week that AI will be used to generate personalized anti-cancer mRNA vaccines within 48 hours upon detecting early signs of cancer in each of us and that AI will have us vaccinated against the next pandemic before it even happens.
We aren’t going to get someone just like RFK but without whatever weird stories people have to tell about what he did with dead animal bodies or wrote in his diary about his marital indiscretions or whatever. We are either going to see a revolutionary rise against corporate power injected into HHS or we are going to cede everything to the billionaire AI kings.
You can blackpill me all you want in the comments — meaning you can tell me that everything is a charade, there is no difference in anyone because the machine just runs on, and everything is collapsing no matter what — but I’m not going to respond to them. If my optimism here is wrong, I’ll own it when the time comes. If my optimism is right, this could be absolutely incredible.
RFK Jr. is completely qualified to run HHS. The most recent HHS Secretary was a lawyer-turned-politician with no medical background. This is normal for the position.
RFK would be in charge of NIH, FDA, CDC, and a whole host of agencies.
Here’s what I want to see on a very high level:
We need more NATURE and better EVIDENCE.
Right now, we assume deviation from nature as default, we put the burden of proof on nature, and we authorize and even mandate unnatural things with the shoddiest of evidence.
We need to default to time outdoors, positive views of sunlight, freedom and resources to produce food the old ways, minimizing the use of toxic chemicals in processed foods, relying on pharmaceuticals when necessary, not when convenient or as a first resort.
We need better standards of evidence to approve pharmaceuticals, and we need zero mandates and full medical freedom. For example, we need to judge polio vaccines based on randomized trials showing reductions in total paralysis, and we need to judge COVID vaccines based on randomized trials showing reductions in total respiratory illness, but we don’t. We use “test-negative” designs to obscure whether these tools are making us healthier or sicker.
Here is a short list of big-impact specifics I would like to see RFK accomplish as head of HHS, some of this would be through the bully pulpit and require congressional action:
Abolish the 1986 Act that prevents vaccine manufacturers from being sued.
Remember how vaccine maximalists told us all throughout end that VAERS is low-quality data that is practically meaningless? Correct. This was done by design. Replace VAERS with the same high-quality surveillance system used for other pharmaceuticals.
Require IMMEDIATE release of all COVID- era data that has not been made public.
Declassify all CDC and FDA data pertaining to all public policy with no exceptions, with redactions only as legally required for trade secrets and as ethically required for protection of individual persons.
Require all data for all regulatory decisions to be made public prior to regulatory decisions, and enable public comments automatically on all regulatory decisions before they are made.
Ban all revolving doors between government health agencies and pharmaceutical companies.
Ban all regulatory agencies from holding patents and earning royalties on the substances they regulate.
Retroactively require all past and present employees of government regulatory agencies to fully disclose all patents they hold and royalties they’ve made.
Decentralize scientific funding. Hold public comment hearings from scientists, finance and cryptocurrency experts, legal experts, tech experts, on how to do this.
Get rid of USDA’s input on diet. Make them promote decentralized farming and limit their scope to that entirely.
Exempt all small farms from Obama-era “food safety” regulations, hold councils from regenerative farmers on how to address their needs alongside big farms in regulations.
Bully pulpit for medical, heath, and food freedom constitutional amendments.
There is much more I could imagine but the point now is that RFK is going to be opposed by the media and the pharmaceutical and food corporations and undoubtedly there will be massive pressure on senators to vote against him.
I think the most important thing now is to make senators who could swing the vote afraid to vote against him, feeling like the public pressure against them would be more powerful than whatever they are afraid of, indebted to, or trying to get from the media and the food and pharma corporations.
If you want to help, I think the best things are:
If you live in the US, call your own senators to voice your support for RFK.
Regardless of where you live, a friend of mine compiled the following list of senators who may disproportionately matter. These are a combination of Republicans who are rumored to vote no, Democrats who appear they could be swayed, and senators on the initial committee that determines if he goes forward. There are basically two approaches to try, one is to come up with a zip code in their state when they ask, and the second would be to tell them you are ready to travel to their state to campaign against them and bring five friends. I don’t know which is more likely to work.
John Fetterman (PA-D) DC Number: (202) 224-4254
Susan Collins (ME-R) DC Number: (202) 224-2523
Bernie Sanders (VT-I) DC Number: 202-224-5141
Lisa Murkowski (AK-R) DC Number: (202) 224-6665
Mitch McConnell (KY-R) DC Number: (202) 224-2541
Thom Tillis (NC-R) DC Number: (202) 224-6342
Bill Cassidy (LA-R) DC Number: (202) 224-5824
Cory Booker (NJ-D) DC Number: (202) 224-3224
Catherine Cortez Masto (NV-D) DC Number: (202) 224-3542
Lindsey Graham (SC-R) DC Number: (202) 224-5972
You don’t have to love everything about RFK. You just have to recognize that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to shake up a system that needs massive shaking up, and to give it a big push into a different and better direction.
Love this:
“We need to default to time outdoors, positive views of sunlight, freedom and resources to produce food the old ways, minimizing the use of toxic chemicals in processed foods, relying on pharmaceuticals when necessary, not when convenient or as a first resort. “
RFK? A lone voice for integrity in a shark infested pond of
vested interests, jingoism and a nasty smell of corruption. He may not be perfect, but he’s a damn site closer than the piranhas he’s up against.