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I am yearly auto-renew masterpass subscriber. I jump on to your site when I have a question, but my recent entry into your masterpass site has me confused. Where are all the products that I should have access to? My renewal is up in April. I know you are on substack now, does that have something to do with it?

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I don't know what products you are talking about, but you have free access to all kinds of stuff that's linked from the menu, for example, all of the ebooks, as a member.

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I am having the same issue and I can't find the link anywhere for the products that we are supposed to have discounts for. Were you ever able to find any information out regarding this issue?

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Search the site for "exclusive discounts" or bookmark this page:


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Same. Connect access any purchased products

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If you lost an ebook you previously purchased, contact support@chrismasterjohnphd.com to get it.

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It's been awhile since I have kept up with Chris MasterJohn, since I deleted most forms of social media. I'm reaching out because of an untreated demographic that is not fully aware of the mechanisms that they are playing with and it could lead to more consultations and possibly another book idea. The reason why I'm messaging Chris, is because of his knowledge and videos related to MTHFR and its role in metabolizing glutamate into gaba. This untreated demographic of individuals in marijuana smokers, found in a subreddit called r/petioles share anecdotal use with the use of marijuana... One media source that I have kept up with is Joe Rogan, Joe often talks about Alex's Berenson's "Tell Your Children The Truth About Marijuana, Mental Illness, and Violence ". After reading more than a few dozen posts, I think there is something here, that neither the mainstream or even medical recreational sources are addressing in licensing.

I have not read the book, but I can imagine MTHFR is left out of the context of the neurochemical actions in marijuana, regarding the mania excitatory like effects of excessive glutamate, poorly managing impulse control with emotions, effecting logical reasoning. For instance I never understood the subjective analysis of Sativa vs Indica. What I think is actually happening is now the most likely known (unknown for reasons to continue medial deceptive practices ) effects of glutamate, and difference in glutamate metabolism in different diets with missing vitamin co factors or genetic differences. I believe Sativa vs Indica, is no different from an Angry vs Happy Drunk. Thc is still thc. Alcohol is still alcohol. But Glutamate is not Gaba. Here is the study of MTHFR and its effect on glutamate/gaba levels.


I think a 200 page book, with a dozen studies connecting pot, mood disorders, anecdotal observations, science of mthfr is it truly genetic or possibly from prenatal vitamins, formulate a hypothesis, and potentially a possible conspiracy, would land you on the Joe Rogan Podcast, and could set the tone for another book or the one that you are working on right now.

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Very interesting idea. I don’t think I would write this book specifically but I’d be interested in the intersection of nutrition, mental health, and recreational drugs/psychedelics.

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Mar 30, 2023·edited Mar 30, 2023

Also a book on the use of Nicotine would be smashing, don't forget to include snuff. I'd buy that. And the conspiracy that all nicotine is the same, compared with the reality and use of free base nicotine in cigarettes and e vapes is a very misunderstood mainstream narrative and a very concerning health problem. You could definitely sell a book and tie it into a docu-series of interviewing cigar smokers and industry leaders, all funded by Cigar Rights of America, they can easily raise the money for the production. Pharmaceutical companies have a massive incentive to target cigar smokers, raise taxes, and effect public perceptions. Big pharma loves Big tobacco, and cigars are not in the Big tobacco club... Big pharma knows exactly why, no free base nicotine, and no cabon monoxide. In the pot book, you also have to talk about inhaling carbon monoxide from lighter fluid in the use of any pipes..... Talk about literal carbon monoxide poisoning causing anxiety and mania, just to hyperventilate to get oxygen.

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Maybe you should be writing books!

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I did a pre-order of your book, and have always had access to all the on sight info. I tried to login, and it is not allowing me to. I asked to reset my password, and have not received an email to do so. This is odd that the only way to contact you is on a message board for all to see.

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All such issues go to support@chrismasterjohnphd.com. The site has migrated.

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I had a copy of your pdf paper on methylene blue 51 pages, and I was reading it, and I saved it. But then my browser gave me black pages, and it wouldn't reload, and I cannot find my file, because I don't know what it is called. I cannot afford a paid subscription to anything. It says it is available to all readers, but it won't let me access it. I am taking methylene blue, and there were cautions in the paper, so I need to finish reading it. Please help!

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The ebook is no longer free, but the youtube video is free and contains the same information:


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Thank you for the information. Unfortunately, I don't profit from videos. My brain doesn't work that way. I avoid them like the plague. I have limited bandwidth, hearing loss, don't have the time or patience, cannot skip over parts that are not helpful. I have had an ongoing battle with a number of alternative health care providers over this issue of forcing people to watch videos to get information. They charge for transcripts. If a person is truly sincere about helping those in need for medical reasons, they won't do this. It depends on whether they're in it for the money. Providing a download of a transcript pdf is virtually free by comparison. I stopped watching TV a quarter century ago. I don't go to movies. I am simply not put together in a way that could even begin to take notes from a video. Yours is over 2 1/2 hours long. There is no way I can do a video. I have a similar problem with 2 Factor Authentication because they require a phone number. I don't hear well enough to hear a bot or a voicemail. I don't have SMS capability. It has been a huge ongoing problem and it has cost me money.

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Hey Chris,

Back in March and April 2020, I purchased the Food and Supplement Guide for Coronavirus and also pre-paid for your book. Furthermore, I created an account which now doesn't seem to exist as I am not getting an email to reset my password. Please advise

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Hello! I'm going to do Whole Genome Sequencing by Nebula Genomics. Does 100x coverage make sense or is 30x enough? Do you interpret WGS results online (i am not from USA)? How much does it cost?

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Hi Chris-

Do you consider speaking engagements? Where are you based?



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Hey, Chris. This is another Chris; my name is Christian Nelson. I'm a chiropractor in Fort Worth and I came across your article talking about multiple different nutrients (26) needed to address possible MTHFR problems before event getting to the ATP issue. Total banger of an article, btw. Thanks! But I am reaching out today because I was pretty sure I saw a couple of Eastern Orthodox icons in the background of your video reacting to Dr. Brecka on JRE - are you Orthodox? If so, I'd love to connect. I'm available by email at advocatewellnesstx@gmail.com. Blessings!

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Chris, I applaud your desire to hire a Registered Dietitian...just a quick FYI since it can be confusing, but RDs/RDNs are *credentialed* nationally by the Commission on Dietetic Registration and then *licensure* is all over the place by states. For example, California does not license RDs/RDNs and some states' licensure bills are really akin to mere title protection. There is a movement afoot for a Dietitian Licensure Compact to make it simpler to be licensed in multiple states. Feel free to email me if I can clarify more at rebeccaddrd@gmail.com. (I would consider applying if the language surrounding licensing requirements is clearer.)

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Hi Chris,

I would love to find out if you have any opportunities for clinical internships or mentorships. I have an M.S. functional nutrition and I run a clinical nutrition practice in GA. The opportunity to learn from you would be invaluable for the people I work with.

Your ‘Super Health Unlock’ article blew my mind and came at serendipitous timing. It came just 2 days after I started exploring further education in genomics. At the same time I had started hypothesizing over the exact issue of heterogenous vs. homozygous genetic influences in nutritional needs.

The opportunity to learn from you on this topic would be much more valuable than the genomic programs that are out there.

I’m very analytical-minded, formally trained in functional labs analysis, and personalize nutrition/lifestyle counseling. If you have a need to place someone in these or other roles, I would greatly appreciate your consideration. I would be more than happy to send my CV if ever needed. If there’s anywhere to learn about new opportunities to work with or learn from outside of Substack, I would love to join those lists/memberships as well.

Thanks so much for you time!

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Hi Chris, I am wondering if you offer student memberships. I am in medical school and would like to learn form your content but the price is very high. Thank you

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Hello Christopher,

I read your article 'The Scientific Approach of Weston Price' on the Weston A. Price Foundation site. I have been fascinated with his work for a few years now. We are organising a symposium at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences for the health & nutrition faculty which focuses on the benefits of animal products, the work of Weston Price and invites local organic farmers to speak. We are working on a talk to present the work of Weston Price. One thing I have noticed is that his work is often written off due to its 'quantitative' character. I wanted to make a slide that shows the comparison of the intake of minerals by the primitives. In his book, Dr. Price compares it with what he calls the 'the displacing foods'. However, I can imagine that for scientists this comparison seems empty without stating exactly with what we are comparing it. Now, somewhere else Dr. Price states 'While I have reduced the diets of the various primitive races studied to definite quantities of mineral and calorie content, these data are so voluminous that it will not be appropriate to include them here. ... The figures will be published in detail in a more technical report.'. When I look around online, it seems as though he has never published such a report. I was wondering if you know anything about this? It would be such a waste if his measurements were lost.

Thank you in advance and kind regards,

Jacintha Walters

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Hi Chris!

For years I have followed you and used you as the most central and important teacher and inspiration.

I finally got myself a dna genetest. It would mean the world to me if I could get consulting help from you to interpret and apply the results. Your `unlocking` - post further reinforced how amazing it would be to hear your perspective on my situation.

I tried to make an appointment with you, but the booking system (Bio-opt) states that you would not offer a consultation in my area (Finland).

My results glowed red in many respects, and now I'm on my knees with the red double allele COMT to ask if you could still make time for me? (Although the description of the gene test is in Finnish, the result summary is expressed using international gene codes. My language skills are also relatively good, so after years of listening to your podcasts, I understand well, although my own oral vocabulary may be weaker).

I am glad that you are actively producing material and publications for us your followers (especially Masterpass is a magnificent info channel that I´m happy to pay for). Therefore I also understand that you are busy. Even if I don't have time for me, I will continue to actively study and follow you, and I wish you the best and Godspeed for your work and life!

With kind regards,

Tiina from Finland

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I happen to be informed that you changed to this plataform. I asked for an invoice and the person said its not pissibke. Well i need an onvoice for my enterprise. How can I get it ?

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Hi Chris,

I need to talk with you directly. I purchased a consult package in 2021 and due to extreme circumstances was unable to use it. The previous email I had to contact you is no longer working and your scheduling is not accepting consults. I am launching a startup site that includes a recipe database and menu planning app that specializes in food intolerance filters and oxalate reduction and tracking. I would like to discuss some light consulting to show you our site and talk about cross promotional opportunities. Please email me at PNPartners@primallynourished.com

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I really enjoyed your recent article about resolving a lingering cough after an illness. I do have one further question. This article was especially useful to me as I often continue to have a persistent cough that lasts long after my illness has been cured. Along with a lingering cough, I also have to constantly clear my throat. This starts to get annoying, especially when I'm around people. Do you have any resources, articles, etc. or just any specific advice on how to resolve the constant throat clearing that happens after a sickness?? Thanks

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