May 12, 2022Liked by Chris Masterjohn, PhD

Thank you Chris for all you do. You are in a class by yourself in the thorough and actionable recommendations you give the reader.

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Oct 27, 2022Liked by Chris Masterjohn, PhD

Beyond lowering mast cell burden with Vitamin A + E, selium etc. Are there foods with known Mast cell stabilisation properties which can be added to the diet for additional support? https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17039666/ suggests extract of unripe apples but adding unripe apples to my diet isn't really what I had in mind.

I'm also removing xeno/phytoestrogens due to the increased mast cell degranulation they can promote.

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May 12, 2022Liked by Chris Masterjohn, PhD

I love everything about your approach to health, research, personal experimentation—and especially your generosity in sharing it...thank you for ALL that you do and the integrity with which you do it. You are a modern day super-hero in my opinion 🦸 P.S. I scoff at the fact you deal with eczema...your skin has an almost supernatural glow always!

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Always like referencing this article during allergy season. Theanine has been very useful for my allergies! (Btw I'm the "Dean" you mention, it's a nickname).

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Mar 7, 2023Liked by Chris Masterjohn, PhD

MSM is very helpful for my allergies. 2-3g/day plus I dissolve some in water and gargle / drop in my eyes as needed. Interestingly if I eat a low FODMAP diet it almost completely eliminates symptoms (I don’t have IBS, I just noticed allergies were worse after eating some foods and discovered they were coincidentally all high FODMAP foods).

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Jul 10, 2022Liked by Chris Masterjohn, PhD

New subsciber here. I just wanted to say that I didn't even know I was an allergy sufferer, not really, until this year. I've been living with difficulty breathing for two months now. One big change this year is that my husband and I moved to the country. Another is that I'm pregnant, 13 weeks.

I have been drinking raw milk for a year now. I eat raw honey daily, not hyper local but local. Working on finding some around here. I have not taken the C juice. So none of these seem to be working in my favor. That said, I wonder if I need to amp up all of those key nutrients, I've been suspecting that my pregnancy may be depleting me of something crucial. Been a bit of a chore getting liver in. Been a bit of a chore eating in general... lol

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May 21, 2022·edited May 21, 2022Liked by Chris Masterjohn, PhD

I eliminated my spring time allergies with much less effort. In the spring, I avoid any grass-based food: wheat, sugar, and dairy. This also includes coffee and soft drinks. I never eat corn, soy or heavily processed foods at any time.

An organic diet of primarily of protein & vegetables for a few weeks does it. When people at work complain about their allergies while having their coffee, I ask: were you fine before you poured yourself that cup of coffee? They invariably say: yes, my allergies are worse after my coffee break. Then a couple of days later, they seek me out to thank me and tell me that avoiding breads, sweets & coffee is better than any medication.

It seems some of us have immune systems can handle the challenge when our exposure is either dietary or air-borne, but not both. We can't control the pollen in the air, but we can control our diet.

Good luck!

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My two basic tools for this, in addition to the ones you already listed:

1) Pycnogenol (French maritime pine bark extract). You need to use constantly and build up weeks before the season, although acute onset of symptom supplementation works too (although not so evident in RCT literature): https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=allergy+AND+pycnogenol&filter=pubt.randomizedcontrolledtrial&size=20

2) Diamine Oxidase enzyme for histamine breakdown for acute histamine issues. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=%28Diamine+Oxidase%29+AND+histamine+AND+allergic&sort=date&size=20

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Great article! I'll be sharing this with lots of people!

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May 12, 2022Liked by Chris Masterjohn, PhD

I have found that myself and many of my clients got relief once we did a vitamin and supplement fast. I promote an animal based diet and it seems the closer we get to carnivore without added supplements, the less allergy issues and this is coming from a place of severe and debilitating symptoms. Might want to check into helminths therapy too. Haven’t had them in awhile but they took my allergies completely away and are a godsend when nothing else works. Just be careful with them and start off slow.

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May 12, 2022Liked by Chris Masterjohn, PhD

All of your points are valid imo. As grass pollen is my poison I have found that hyper local honey doesn’t as grasses are wind pollinated unlike trees and shrubs.

I also find relief in grass fed lambs kidneys due to the DAO.

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May 12, 2022Liked by Chris Masterjohn, PhD

Thanks chris..

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May 12, 2022Liked by Chris Masterjohn, PhD

Thank you so much for all this! As a fellow sneezer I can’t thank you enough for putting this together. ♥️

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May 12, 2022Liked by Chris Masterjohn, PhD

thanks for this! i’ve suffered with allergies for many years living in Florida. something that’s helped me is limiting my sugar/fruit intake because it seems that the reactions to allergens is connected to a fungal issue. another helpful supplement is antronex (beef liver fat also called yakitron) because it can help clear histamine from the blood quickly.

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May 12, 2022Liked by Chris Masterjohn, PhD

My spring allergies were WAY better this year. As soon as I noticed them coming on in early March I tried something new and started supplementing with 1 tsp. Organic freeze-dried nettle (Pure Synergy brand) per day. Remarkable difference as compared to previous years! I stopped taking it now as I’m only symptomatic till May, but I will be trying it again next year.

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May 12, 2022Liked by Chris Masterjohn, PhD

Amazingly thorough and helpful! Have you seen any research related to using Stinging Nettles or tea made from them to reduce allergy suffering? I find them to be helpful anecdotally. Appreciate your work!

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