What several holistic medical people have told me is that the biggest problem with ascorbic acid is that its often produced as a byproduct of an industrial process and it could contain some of the chemical contaminants of that process.

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Pardon the off-topic comment. Is the Vitamin K2 in fermented foods destroyed by pasteurization?

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I'm super curious now to hear what Chris might have to say in regards to Morley's stance on Vitamin D supplementation. I find Morley's research really intriguing, but I'm always interested in getting another opinion.

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Great dive into this! I read Morley’s book and was not impressed. As I’ve found with a lot of practitioners who solely do HTMA, it seems like they are quick to disregard anything that doesn’t align with the HTMA philosophy of mineral balancing. I think the approach has a lot of good in it, but I’m also not convinced we should be abandoning all else just for that.

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I would say that, 'what we need' is not necessarily the most beneficial, so even though 200 or 400 mg/day of vitamin C is all we 'need', it does not mean that it is optimal. There may be a sweet spot between not enough, and too much, that we should be looking for, especially in this modern times where the need for certain nutrients are much different than they were 100 years ago, for instance.

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Thanks for writing about this and clearing up the confusion that seems to abound around whole food vitamin C supplements.

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This is interesting. My Vit. C is always very high on blood and orangic acids tests when most everything else is on the lower side. I also have low iron. Wonder how this fits in.

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