30 yrs ago diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse. The criteria for the diagnosis after a Holter moniter test was: female, tall, slim, long fingers, hyperstartle reflex. I take between 6-7 grams of glycine a day divided bwtn meals. I think it helps me with my response time to coworkers coming up behind me- I sit with my back to the main room- I’m more chill now.
30 yrs ago diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse. The criteria for the diagnosis after a Holter moniter test was: female, tall, slim, long fingers, hyperstartle reflex. I take between 6-7 grams of glycine a day divided bwtn meals. I think it helps me with my response time to coworkers coming up behind me- I sit with my back to the main room- I’m more chill now.
30 yrs ago diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse. The criteria for the diagnosis after a Holter moniter test was: female, tall, slim, long fingers, hyperstartle reflex. I take between 6-7 grams of glycine a day divided bwtn meals. I think it helps me with my response time to coworkers coming up behind me- I sit with my back to the main room- I’m more chill now.