I've been plagued by calcium oxalate kidney stones since I was 24 when I got the first one while stationed on Guam, allegedly "the kidney stone capital of the world." It also runs in my family, although I get the most, by far. Over the next 50 years, no matter how much water I drank, I would get BIG kidney bean sized kidney stones every …
I've been plagued by calcium oxalate kidney stones since I was 24 when I got the first one while stationed on Guam, allegedly "the kidney stone capital of the world." It also runs in my family, although I get the most, by far. Over the next 50 years, no matter how much water I drank, I would get BIG kidney bean sized kidney stones every ~4-5 years that were impossible to pass, no matter how much morphine I got, and which had to be blasted apart. Not too long after my last incident about 5 years ago, where they had to blast 11 stones, I discovered:
Effects of green tea on urinary stone formation: an in vivo and in vitro study. (PMID: 16724910)
Preprotection of Tea Polysaccharides with Different Molecular Weights Can Reduce the Adhesion between Renal Epithelial Cells and Nano-Calcium Oxalate Crystals (PMID: 32411319)
Molecular Mechanisms of Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate for Prevention of Chronic Kidney Disease and Renal Fibrosis: Preclinical Evidence (PMCID: PMC6752729)
I then started drinking a lot of green tea. Over the last few years, I have passed a couple of small stones and have peed out "sand" a few times. I continue drinking a LOT of green tea,
Thanks for sharing your story! Back in 2010 I went a low carb diet for three years. I'd never had kidney stone in my life until eating lots almonds, tons of swiss chard, mountains spinach along with dark chocolate. I stopped eating those foods and starting drinking milk and orange juice and was shocked to see I peed sand for months. Never had a problem since. I like green tea, think I'll try to drink that more often.
I've been plagued by calcium oxalate kidney stones since I was 24 when I got the first one while stationed on Guam, allegedly "the kidney stone capital of the world." It also runs in my family, although I get the most, by far. Over the next 50 years, no matter how much water I drank, I would get BIG kidney bean sized kidney stones every ~4-5 years that were impossible to pass, no matter how much morphine I got, and which had to be blasted apart. Not too long after my last incident about 5 years ago, where they had to blast 11 stones, I discovered:
Effects of green tea on urinary stone formation: an in vivo and in vitro study. (PMID: 16724910)
Preprotection of Tea Polysaccharides with Different Molecular Weights Can Reduce the Adhesion between Renal Epithelial Cells and Nano-Calcium Oxalate Crystals (PMID: 32411319)
Molecular Mechanisms of Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate for Prevention of Chronic Kidney Disease and Renal Fibrosis: Preclinical Evidence (PMCID: PMC6752729)
I then started drinking a lot of green tea. Over the last few years, I have passed a couple of small stones and have peed out "sand" a few times. I continue drinking a LOT of green tea,
Thanks for sharing your story! Back in 2010 I went a low carb diet for three years. I'd never had kidney stone in my life until eating lots almonds, tons of swiss chard, mountains spinach along with dark chocolate. I stopped eating those foods and starting drinking milk and orange juice and was shocked to see I peed sand for months. Never had a problem since. I like green tea, think I'll try to drink that more often.