It seems to me that in this election, for the first time, the split is not between R and D or right and left. Now the split is between people who believe authorities and institutions more or less have our best interests at heart...and people who no longer believe that.

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Indeed. Although IMHO Chris (whom I greatly respect) missed a couple of very important points. First about the nature of the two factions of the ruling class who are currently fighting among themselves for domination over humanity in their sham billionaires' (s)elections, and secondly he seem to be unaware of very critical issues regarding free speech (trump and his AIPAC tyrants are guaranteed to destroy it and violate the constitution with their promised criminalization of dissent as "hate crime", more details in a moment) and regarding world war (trump and his deep state zionist billionaires are almost certain to start it, with their planned upcoming attack on china and iran, which means a nuclear world war and the end of life on earth, explained in a moment).

So first, I think Chris described quite well the profoundly anti-democratic corruption of the pro-billionaire pro-genocide pro-NeoCon ultra-zionist corporate-capitalist DNC (or at least its most recent misdeeds. The DNC service to the ruling class actually started much earlier than just the last few years) but it seems like he gave a pass to the other, equally horrible (arguably even more horrible) faction of the ruling class, the trump-netanyahu-thiel-musk-AIPAC faction of the ruling class (if to mention only its most visible representitives), the oligarch warlords zionist faction of the ruling class

An entire book can easily be written about the nature of the two factions of the elite who are fighting among themselves for domination over humanity and the planet's resources, and it would be impossible to do it justice in a comment on substack, so instead i will share here the profound and detailed anaysis of the two factions of the elite and their sham "elections" battle by some of the most wise and insightful journalists and serious depth-researchers on the planet today

First is this profoundly important and eye-opening analysis that breaks down the nature of the two elite factions https://chrishedges.substack.com/p/the-choice-this-election-is-between by the wise and insightful Chris Hedges. In my view this is one of the most important essays published in recent times for anyone who wishes to understand what is actually happening in the west today, the internal struggle within the elite between the two factions of the ruling class, the two faces of capitalism fighting among themselves for supremacy (who will be the elite group who will be the top dog, plunder the planet and dominate humanity), which is what this current billionaire's sham "elections" is all about, though this rivalry between the elite factions has been going on for some time now.

IMHO, the nature of the two factions of the elite, as described so skillfully in that analysis, really should be basic knowledge for all americans, because there is so much mislabelling of the elite's two factions that are fighting for supremacy among themselves (even going as far as labelling the coropate-capitalist pro-empire leftist-hating ultra-zionist right-wing DNC and Harris as "far-left communist"!!) and so much misunderstading of what is actually going on, misunderstanding which is fully capitalized upon by the both factions of the ruling class and their propagandists to sell us their fake narratives as if this or that faction of the corporate-capitalist elite is on the side of the people. Really a very important and highly recommended essay.

Second is this profound analysis by the brilliant Caitlin Johnstone that skillfully breaks down both the trumpism and anti-trumpism deception by the ruling class (that makes sure we are identified with one or the other of the billionaires' factions). In my view, this is a must read for every american to understand how we are being deceived and funnelled into cheering for FALSE MESSIAHS https://www.caitlinjohnst.one/p/both-trumpism-and-anti-trumpism-are

Then there is this very important analysis from wise elder John Spritzler that shows how trump is part and parcel of the ruling class and how we are being played by the manipulative narratives that have been carefully crafted around him that paint him as an "anti-elite rebel" when he is anything but that, but is IN REALITY just as pro-billionaire and and pro-empire as all corporate-capitalist american presidents (conservative or liberal) and works like all american presidents to enrich the ultra-rich, to cement their hierarchical domination over humanity, and to hijack and NEUTRALIZE our intense desire for change by funnelling it into a FALSE MESSIAH that makes sure no real change happens but only rhetoric of change which is precisely ehat yrump did as president (identical to the "hope and change" obama deception) https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/the-billionaire-class-is-no-more?

Cailin Johnstone again shows how trump minus the deceptive MAGA narrative equals bush-obama https://caityjohnstone.medium.com/trump-minus-narrative-equals-bushbama-84a363947536

Lastly there is this amazing analysis of the sham ruling-class (s)elections between the two puppets of the billionaires' global militarized empire, analysis by the insightful and profoundly knowledgable Whitney Webb and James Corbett https://corbettreport.substack.com/p/dissecting-the-selection-with-whitney

Webb and Corbett are really some of the brightest true journalists today and some of the very few depth researchers who haven't fallen for the massive puppet-master deceptions that americans are bombarded with nonstop (such as the scam that sells the ruling class billionaires' representitive trump as "anti elite rebel who arrived on the scene to help the little guy fight the deep state")

Besides the research above, one can also learn about the M.I.C war-profiteering ruling class oligarch deep-state networks that brought trump into power (of Wall St conservative billionaire military contractors, of mass-murderering right-wing arms dealers, of silicon valley surveillance capitalists and transhumsnists, of pedophile blackmail networks run by supremacist zionist tribalists (far more than just their epstein operation), and of ultra-wealthy evangelical religious fundamentalists) here


and here https://www.exposetheenemy.com/trump-war-the-pentagon-and-the-conservativeestablishment

and here https://web.archive.org/web/20190720130650/

And here https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/11/tomdispatch-trump-military-foreign-affairs/

and here https://odysee.com/@ExposeTheEnemy:b/america-first-from-wall-street-to-the:a?lid=95a34b649ac72026c32466c45591322426c77cf1

and here https://i.pinimg.com/originals/9e/c5/93/9ec59307f55ea5fabf59dbbdd7abb43a.png

And while we're on the subject of how the ruling class are playing us, we might as well also mention the JD Vance deception, which goes hand in hand with the trump deception. So regarding ConMan Vance, here's a full breakdown of who this fundamentalist deceiver actually is and who are the deep state adrenochrome-drinking billionaire abusers (the enemies of humanity) that are fully funding vance (as well as trump), and brought him to this position.

Please don't miss this research essay. https://miri.substack.com/p/america-the-movie-screenplay-by-jd?

And especially here https://unlimitedhangout.com/2024/07/investigative-reports/the-man-behind-trumps-vp-pick-its-worse-than-you-think/

And here


And here https://youtu.be/sGySygy0LWs?si=n6u28vsLzazo_gdS

IMHO, americans are being profoundly propagandized, emotionally-manipulated, kept ignorant (of the empire's global mechinations), distracted by the partisan theatre and directed to fight over the question of what should be the color of the shoes of the person who rapes, plunders, enslaves, exploits and mass-murders humanity, should it be red or blue? That's the only question we get to have a say over in the american billionaires' sham "elections", to decide over the color of the shoes of the global murderer, thief and rapist. Not whether the murder, theft, enslavement and rape should take place, that's not within the realm of "allowed debate", but only whether he should wear red or blue shoes while on his global exploits..

We're propagandized, deceived and distracted into fighting over which of the billionaire's representatives we prefer to lead the global corporate-capitalist militarized empire and its plunder, mass-murder and rape of life on earth to enrich the few ultra-rich and cement their domination over life...


Yes, they have differences in temperament, one is a psychologically-undeveloped wounded narcissist bully (who buys his trophy wives off of the playboy catalogue and has fake loveless abusive transactional "marriages" with them until they get wrinkled and are replaced by the next trophy wife that this wounded man-child buys) and the other speaks more of compassion and caring, but beyond their superficial differences in temperament, both of their administrations acted in almost identical ways when it comes to securing the narrow selfish interest of the few ultra-wealthy and the control of their global corporate empire over humanity and the planet's resources

Ooops, space is finished here, please see continued in the reply below this one

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I don't have time to read your comments yet but I will try when I have some time.

But I was perusing for short unanswered questions and caught a glimpse.

This was not meant as a comprehensive discourse on who the elite are. It is one of my primary beliefs that "billionaire non-consensus" is one of the most healthy things the world can possibly have at this moment in time.

I called Elon "the free speech wing of the CIA" when he bought Twitter.

Everyone but Massie is in the pocket of AIPAC.

There is a lot that could be said but none of it changes which billionaire class to vote for at the moment.

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New dictum:

In a world of depopulationists, a natalist billionaire is the friend of the most common peasant family.

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I hear you and would have agreed if this dictum was actually a true reflection of reality (that one faction of the billionaire ruling class is on the side of the people), but unfortunately this isn’t the case as i showed in detail with numerous resources in my 3-part reply, (even though this is indeed the false story we are being sold, as if one faction of the elite is on our side)

I understad that your time is limited so if you want just one succinct paragraph (which isn't nearly enough and is far from comprehensive) then please see the 3rd paragraph here https://www.caitlinjohnst.one/p/both-trumpism-and-anti-trumpism-are?

And if you have a couple more minutes then read the whole thing, it has profound insights into the american political system and how we are being msnipulated (including those who think they're red-pilled)

Or if you have no time to read but only to listen, then please listen to this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3NDd86GJwQ8&t=83s&pp=2AFTkAIB an extremely important few minutes that sums up the whole charade beautifully

As Gore Vidal said:

“It doesn’t actually make any difference whether the President is Republican or Democrat. The genius of the American ruling class is that it has been able to make the people think that they have had something to do with the electing of presidents for 200 years when in reality they have absolutely no say about the candidates or the policies or the way the country is run. A very small group controls just about everything.”

ConMan Trump was already president once, remember? Need I remind you that he and his Zionist PR team of deceivers already sold us the exact same deceptive Qanon/MAGA narrative they are selling now (as if he's an anti-elite-rebel man-of-the-people who came to fight the deep state for the little guy), and need i remind you that once in the white house he promptly spat in the face of all the gullible unintelligent propagandized people who believed him and his PR team of deceivers, and proceeded to fill up his administration to the brim with tbe slimiest deep-state swamp creatures from Goldman Sachs, BlackRock, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Eric Prince's BlackWater merceneries, JP Morgan and the rest of Wall St and the war profiteering industry filled up to the brim every single position in his cabinet of anti-life deep-state billionaire shark predators.

In addition, he handed over more than half his admin to deep-state NeoCon zionist operatives in the form of compulsive-liar CIA chief Pompeo, Chabad devotee and Mossad man Kushner, ultra-zionist mass-murderer Bolton, NeoCon zionist lunatic ("starve them to death") Abrams etc. etc. Besides them, the State Dept. was literally full of and run by NeoCon israelis during trump's presidency, he literally handed over the america's entire global policy to be run by israeli supremacists!!

trump EXPANDED the mass-murdering billionaires' global militarized capitalist empire (of nearly 900 military bases encircling the entire globe, dozens of warships colonizing every sea on the planet, and at least 13 extra-judicial torture camps where kidnapped human beings are held in captivity for years without trial and tortured

What trump ACYUALLY did during his presidency, as shown here https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/the-billionaire-class-is-no-more was transfer trillions to his buddies the ultra-wealthy war profiteers and Big Pharma capitalists; filled his admin to the brim with deep-state swamp creatures; gave tax breaks to the ultra-rich and commited the crimes detailed in the 3rd paragraph in the link given

trump EXPANDED the mass-murdering billionaires' global militarized capitalist empire (of nearly 900 military bases encircling the entire globe, dozens of warships colonizing every sea on the planet, and at least 13 extra-judicial torture camps where kidnapped human beings are held in captivity for years without trial and tortured, with his RECORD HIGH military spending to enrich his war-profiteering billionaire pals (the same ones who brought him to power as shown in the other link given earlier)

As one "small" example for trump's actions as president (out of numerous such examples), trump also initiated, armed and funded (used our money to fund) a coup in Bolivia to mafia-style remove the people's elected representatives and installed his puppet fascists instead, so that his billionaire pal elon musk can steal the world's largest reserves of lithium from Bolivia for his "green"-electric car company (which is at the forefront of the climate capitalists' "4th industrial revolution" and "great reset"). Musk literally sat at the table with trump and pompeo and said "we will coup whoever we want, we're in charge now, deal with it". That's how sure are musk and trump that their propagandized followers will worship them as "anti-elite rebels" no matter what they do (trump literally bragged that he can shoot someone on the street in broad daylight and his MAGA followers will still worship him..)

One doesn't have to buy into the stupid CNN/WashPost deceptive propaganda machine (that presents trump as exceptionally and caricaturishly evil) in order to see from his actions that he is actually a common run-of-the-mill murderous american president, by the ruling class for the ruling class, just as pro-billionaire pro-empire and criminal as the ones before and after him. No worse but definitely no better than the life-destroying american presidents before and after him. BOTH the CNN/NYTimes fairytales AND the Qanon/MAGA failrytales about him are false. His actions clearly show that he's not exceptionally evil nor exceptionally righteous, just a normal anti-life american president who is here to enrich the ultra-rich, to cement the global control of the american billionaire's militarized empire over the planet, and to ensure that the people's desire for change is hijacked and neutralized and doesn't amount to any real change, which are precisely the things he did as president..

Trump is poison NOT becasue of what the corporate-capitalist manipulators on CNN/MSNBC/WashPost say about him but precisely because he is like every other pro-empire life-destroying mass-murdering american president (conservative or liberal)

As for 'nothing can be done right now', i am not so sure about that - here's a suggestion of what can actually be done about this so that we get to decide about our lives and not have things imposed on us against our will by the corporate-capitalist oligarchs. IMHO a very wise, practical and human-centered suggestion, that was already applied very successfully before (in half of Spain, when millions of people removed the ultra-wealthy hierarchical abusers from power and established a very productive and flourishing egalitarian self-rule without a government or ultra-rich abusers) https://www.pdrboston.org/egalitarianism

And detailed answers to FAQ is here to learn in detail what exactly is being suggested. https://www.pdrboston.org/faq-how-to-have-no-rich-no-poor

And see here how this was already applied very successfully before https://www.pdrboston.org/egalitarianism-in-spain-1936-9

Here's a more detailed account of how it was applied successfully before https://www.pdrboston.org/lessons-from-the-spanish-revolution

As well as here https://open.substack.com/pub/johnspritzler/p/we-are-taught-lies-about-the-american

PS. My 3-part reply (which includes the resources mentioned above) is now divided with the first part above here and the last two parts below, due to the way the comments are stacked..

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Thanks for revealing your acquiescence to the vile nazi garbage posted above. Noted, and deleted from my subscription.

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I didn't even read what he wrote before posting. I was not acquiescing.

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This is part 2 (continued from above)

As shown above, both trump and harris continued 99% of the pro-empire pro-billionaire global terror, plunder, mass-murder and domination policies of their predecessors. Yes, despite the massive and intense QAnon/MAGA marketing deception that falsely sells trump as "anti-elite rebel", trump's admin was NOT a deviation from these policies, but a continuation of them. If one looks at his ACTUAL actions (not the fake narrative that was carefully crafted around him but his ACTUAL actions, as shown above) then it's plain to see. And yes, despite the propagandists in the liberal corporate-capitalist media selling us the democratic party as supposedly more compassionate and caring, if one looks at the ACTUAL actions of the administrations headed by a liberal then it is clear that they are just as murderous as conservatives are and work just as much as conservatives to advance the narrow interests of the ultra-rich corporate-capitalists and their domination over life on earth.

And if there's an interest, I wrote a bit about how the billionaire's global empire functions (regardless of whether it is the empire's conservative or liberal in the white house) here https://substack.com/home/post/p-150090964

Having said the above, i want to mention a couple of very important things that I think Chris missed or is unaware of regarding free speech and WW3-

First, one of the very first actions that the trump-netanyahu-thiel-AIPAC administration is guranteed to take (because he said he would) in the first days' after trump and his zionist billionaires enter the white house will be the biggest act of censorship and attack on free speech in american history and the biggest violation of the constitution (first amendment) in american history - they are going to legally define as a "hate crime" any criticism of the israeli gov't and its century-long massacre and dispossesion project of the indigenous people, or of the neo-nazi zionist ideology (according to which a fake tribalist bloodthirsty hebrew "god" gave to very specific people, who had a very specific religious label placed on them at birth, the "divine right" to massacre and throw the indigenous people off their land and take over their home. I know this because i'm jewish and used to believe in this nazi zionist poison (see here - https://youtu.be/FhlUFPpXIVo?si=JlqA63ipojNsYI6x for in-depth analysis of the invading colonial zionist billionaires' project and its attack on the indigenous people).

Trump's entire family are chabad devotees (chabad is the most supremacist jewish sect), and already said he is going to make the profoundly ridiculous and tyranical IHRA definition of antisemitism into law, meaning that any criticism of the israeli gov't or its actions, or of the zionist ideology of religious and ethnic supremacy, will be criminalized as a "hate crime" punishable by jail time (yes, this very comment i am writing right now could land me in jail, under the trump-netanyahu administration and their tyranical "hate crime" censorship.

The most blatant and biggest violation of the constitution and freedom of speech in american history will happen shortly after zionist trump and his israeli billionaires enter the white house!! (And you can be sure that most conservatives would enthusiastically cheer for it, because partisan hypnosis & the empire's zionist colony in west asia is apparently far far more important to most conservatives than the constitution or freedom of speech. Exactly like most conservatives cheer when billions upon billions of our' money is stolen and given to fund the slaughter weapons to the neo-nazi zionist supremacists in the israeli gov't and to the billionaores' colonial project in west asia ("our aircraft carrier in the middle east", as RFK Jr. describes the zionist supremacist colonial project) while at the same time they are programmed to scream (on cue) when much smaller amounts go to the much less supremacist ukraine (which is indeed also a proxy of the billionaire's global empire, just like israel, taiwan, ISIS and Al-Qaeda, but for propagandized conservstives - who pretend to oppose empire but really don't - the billionaire's imperialism is fine and dandy as long as it works for the domination of the superior people and as long as the murdered ones are not christians or jews). And exactly like conservatives pretend to object to the violence of government but are cheering enthusiastically when the violence is done by the supremacist zionist colonial government who for more than a century now inflicts nonstop terrorism, abuse, torture, dispossesion, rape, land-theft and mass-slaughter on the indigenous people (who are brown and so viewed as inferior in value to the judeo-christian superior people in the eyes of most God-ignorant conservatives).

Now, regarding WW3. It seems that Chris is not aware that the preparations for the coming planned attack on china and iran are already in full swing and it's obvious that the puppet-masters need trump in office before they can launch their coming planned attack (the purpose of this coming attack is described here https://substack.com/home/post/p-150090964)

Why do they need trump (and not harris) in office for the coming attack? Because Harris is clearly not going to get any conservative riled up and enthusiastic about the ruling class' coming planned attack on china and iran in the way trump is going to. It seems very obvious that the NeoCon ruling class (who run both parties, both wings of the empire) need trump in the white house before they can launch their planned attacks. They need him to be at the helm to lead americans into the attack because conservatives (who are the backbone of the billionaire's global execution force, known as the american military) are not going to be very enthused to go across the ocean to murder for the ruling class if Harris tells them to do so, but if it's trump, their own righteous billioanaire messiah, leading the charge and telling them to go kill those evil commies (for "freedom" and "god" and "judeo-christian moral values" and "prosperity", of course) then his well-intentioned but heavily-propagamdized and deceived MAGA/Qanon followers will be extremely enthusiastic to do the billionaire's bidding, with a gusto of extremely powerful religious-nationalist passion in their support for the troops and the president. It will be the just like the psychosis of the war-frenzy after 9/11 all over again. The ruling class absolutely must have trump (and not harris) leading americans into their planned attack.

There is also going to be a lot of bible waving, while Anti-Christ trump and his Godless deep-state GOP war profiteers will frequently use the words "jesus" and "holy war" and "the last battle of good vs evil", which will send their well-intentioned but thoroughly deceived conservative base into a gushing orgasm, a nationalist-religious feeding frenzy and extreme enthusiasm for the ruling class' war plans.

That's why they need trump (and not harris) in office to lead the planned attack. Trump and his deep state zionist war-profiteering billionaires will enter the white house in january, and then of course they'll need to set the stage with a few months of very intense 24/7 wall-to-wall propagaganda in the billionaire's disinformation media (including in the so-called conservative "alternative media" which isn't independent or alternative but promotes the same tribalist-religious hatred and division as mainstrsam conservative billionaire's media does) set the stage with very intense 24/7 wall-to-wall propagaganda about the so-called "evil aggression of commie china" (which doesn't have a single military base outside its territory, while the american empire has nearly 900 military bases encircling the entire globe, in addition to dozens of warships colonizing every ocean on the face of the globe, as well as at least 13 extra-judicial torture camps, where conservatives hold kidnapped human beings in captivity for years without trial or accusation and torture them, because.. "patriotism" and "freedom" and "god" and "moral values" and "jesus is king y'all").

After a few months of the zionists' hammering into americans' head nonstop 24/7 how china and iran are an evil aggressor and the new hitler, then you'll have the conveniently-timed decleration of independence by american-paid separatists in taiwan (who were elected with less than 40% of tue vote. Meaning, 60% of people in taiwan do NOT want separation and do NOT want the coming american attack on china done under the excuse of "protecting" them), and the stage will be set for the "righteous" attack (for "freedom" and "prosperity" and "moral values" of course). And just like after 9/11, the majority of heavily-propagandized americans will be fully in support of it (including 99% of well-intentioned but thoroughly deceived conservatives who will be in the mode of holy-war end-times jesus-is-coming-back, and fully united behind their mass-murdering narcissist infantile pro-billionaire pro-Wall zionist messiah trump leading the charge against what americans will be told is "the evil commie aggression" (same old BS, as if nothing has changed from the vietnam days, americans are still falling for the exact same ruling class slogans).

Once the ruling class have put all the pieces of the puzzle together for the attack (1. trump and his zionist billionaires in office and leading the charge, 2. months of intense 24/7 wall-to-wall nationalist-religious propaganda to turn china into a literal hitler, a scary evil monster who wants to hurt americans in any way it can, so we just must take down this hitler-like monster first before it takes "us" down 3. taiwan declaration of independence. 4. American military bases in the countries surrounding china completed and ready to launch misslies and war planes) they will pull the trigger.

Space finished 🙂 Please see part 3 below

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Part 3 (cont'd from above)

To be clear, trump and his zionist billionaires' coming attack on china and iran almost certainly means a nucler world war, which means the end of life on earth...

And by the way, if trump and his zionist billionaires cannot generate strong public support for their planned attack, despite months of 24/7 wall-to-wall intense propaganda campaign to turn china and iran into a hitler and evil aggressor in the eyes of americans, then there is also the possibility that they'll pull another 9/11 sort of false flag event, to get everyone into a state of traumatic shock, fear, anger and hatred, and fully on board with their attack plans.. (here is exactly how the NeoCon zionists did the first 9/11 https://www.veteranstodayarchives.com/2011/06/27/demystifying-911-israel-tactics-mistake/ And here https://www.unz.com/article/911-was-an-israeli-job/ (which also includes discussion of the supremacist ideology that guides the machiavellian NeoCon Zionists)

And here https://truthblitzkrieg.com/2024/09/02/1379/

BTW, my personal perspective on the conflict and how to solve it (as a jewish ex-zionist who is intimately and experientially familiar with both israeli and palestinian cultures) is here


As for why the billionaire ruling class are going to attack china and iran - after trump and his deep-state zionist billionaire war-profiteers enter the white house - see this profound essay which IMHO is a must read for every human on the planet who wishes to understand exactly how we are being played https://www.pdrboston.org/oppressors-need-bogeyman-enemies

By the way, two more pieces of the puzzle (not mentioned above) that the billionaire ruling class put together to get everything ready for the attack after trump and his supremacist zionist billionaires enter the white house, is that they had the leaders in the countries surrounding china replaced, from those not committed to china-hostility and the planned attack, into puppets who do exactly as the empire tells them, who ramp up anti-china hostility and open their country to american military bases in preparation for the attack.

Two examples of this are in Japan and the Philippines. In Japan they assasinated prime minister Abe, who refused to commit to their attack plans on china, and replaced him with their ultra-nationalist puppet, Kishida, who changed japan’s constitution to allow for greater militarization of society, removed constitutional limits on military spending, filled his cabinet with pro-american pro-zionist NeoCons, and approved massive american military build up in Japan's southern okinawan islands (literally minutes of flight/missle distance from the chinese mainland), in preparation for the attack.

And in the philippines, where they replaced Duerte (who was against the war plans on china and sought greater cooperation) with their well-paid puppet Marcos, who gave the american war machine the northen Luzon island (the closest philipino island to china) to build several military bases in preparation for the attack, and who drastically changed course from Duerte and immediately started promoting china hatred in the philippines, and constantly sends the philippino navy into provocations and skirmishes with chinese boats in the south china sea in order to promote nationalist hostility towards china in the philippines, in preparation for the attack. He and his pay-masters in the american ruling class are doing that becasue they are playing on the people the same 'boogeyman enemy' trick that ruling class oppressors always play on us. Again, this trick is described in detail in this profoundly important essay https://www.pdrboston.org/oppressors-need-bogeyman-enemies

Now, the third difference i would like to point out between the two capitalist puppets of the billionaire ruling class, is a difference i have realized after I've seen this video https://www.facebook.com/share/v/DjgVqtgD3wy2XJzY/ I'd like to ask anyone reading this to please watch this and tell me if you can ever imagine this level of humanity, caring, empathy, heart attunement and emotional maturity to ever be shown by psychologically-undeveloped emotionally-stunted infantile bully narcissist abuser empathy-less trump? Not in a million years. We're talking about a completely different level of HUMAN DEVELOPMENT. A completely different connection to humanity and to the heart.

I think it's clear by now that I'm not a harris supporter, not even close, i wish she wasn't so right-wing, capitalist and zionist in her policies, and i strongly reject the entire tyranical institution of presidency, and yet, still, on the most basic human level it's very very clear which one of them is more caring, more human, more empathetic, more heart-attuned, more connected to God. There's just no comparison. Watch the video.

IMHO they're both horrible on policies, both are pro-empire pro-billionaire pro-genocide pro-empire right-wing zionists, but on the human level (which might be just as important, in terms of its influence of humanity's consciousness), it is clear that she is a more caring and sensitive human being than the infantile Love-less cruel empathy-less greedy psychologically-immature narcissist, who has a relational maturity level of a 4 year old, who dehumanizes and objectifies human beings and the living earth and sees our value only in as much as can be extracted from us for the profit of his Godless billionaire buddies (and who buys his trophy "wives" off of the playboy catalogue, and has sham abusive loveless transactional "relationaships" with them, until they get wrinkled and are replaced by the next trophy wife that this wounded man-child buys). There is no question in my mind which one of them is more connected to the heart and to the sacred essence of humanity. I used to think they're both the same awful right-wing representatives of the billionaire ruling class, and in terms of policy that is true, but in terms of humanity (which might be no less important), there is simply no comparison.

I pray with all my heart that love, caring and empathy shines through. I pray with all my heart that trump's immature empathy-less greed, insensitivity, narcissism, cruelty, dehumanization and cold-hearted objectifying brain doesn't win.

IMHO, Trump's infantile narcissist undeveloped mentality is everything the old human world of domimation, dehumanization, extraction, abuse, insensitivity and trauma was about. In my view, what harris has shown in this video (as much as i wish her policies were left-wing and not so right-wing and pro-billionaires) is the new world of caring, empathy and heart-attunement.

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Part 3 (cont'd from above)

To be clear, trump and his zionist billionaires' coming attack on china and iran almost certainly means a nucler world war, which means the end of life on earth...

And by the way, if trump and his zionist billionaires cannot generate strong public support for their planned attack, despite months of 24/7 wall-to-wall intense propaganda campaign to turn china and iran into a hitler and evil aggressor in the eyes of americans, then there is also the possibility that they'll pull another 9/11 sort of false flag event, to get everyone into a state of traumatic shock, fear, anger and hatred, and fully on board with their attack plans.. (here is exactly how the NeoCon zionists did the first 9/11 https://www.veteranstodayarchives.com/2011/06/27/demystifying-911-israel-tactics-mistake/ And here https://www.unz.com/article/911-was-an-israeli-job/ (which also includes discussion of the supremacist ideology that guides the machiavellian NeoCon Zionists)

And here https://truthblitzkrieg.com/2024/09/02/1379/

BTW, my personal perspective on the conflict and how to solve it (as a jewish ex-zionist who is intimately and experientially familiar with both israeli and palestinian cultures) is here


As for why the billionaire ruling class are going to attack china and iran - after trump and his deep-state zionist billionaire war-profiteers enter the white house - see this profound essay which IMHO is a must read for every human on the planet who wishes to understand exactly how we are being played https://www.pdrboston.org/oppressors-need-bogeyman-enemies

By the way, two more pieces of the puzzle (not mentioned above) that the billionaire ruling class put together to get everything ready for the attack after trump and his supremacist zionist billionaires enter the white house, is that they had the leaders in the countries surrounding china replaced, from those not committed to china-hostility and the planned attack, into puppets who do exactly as the empire tells them, who ramp up anti-china hostility and open their country to american military bases in preparation for the attack.

Two examples of this are in Japan and the Philippines. In Japan they assasinated prime minister Abe, who refused to commit to their attack plans on china, and replaced him with their ultra-nationalist puppet, Kishida, who changed japan’s constitution to allow for greater militarization of society, removed constitutional limits on military spending, filled his cabinet with pro-american pro-zionist NeoCons, and approved massive american military build up in Japan's southern okinawan islands (literally minutes of flight/missle distance from the chinese mainland), in preparation for the attack.

And in the philippines, where they replaced Duerte (who was against the war plans on china and sought greater cooperation) with their well-paid puppet Marcos, who gave the american war machine the northen Luzon island (the closest philipino island to china) to build several military bases in preparation for the attack, and who drastically changed course from Duerte and immediately started promoting china hatred in the philippines, and constantly sends the philippino navy into provocations and skirmishes with chinese boats in the south china sea in order to promote nationalist hostility towards china in the philippines, in preparation for the attack. He and his pay-masters in the american ruling class are doing that becasue they are playing on the people the same 'boogeyman enemy' trick that ruling class oppressors always play on us. Again, this trick is described in detail in this profoundly important essay https://www.pdrboston.org/oppressors-need-bogeyman-enemies

Now, the third difference i would like to point out between the two capitalist puppets of the billionaire ruling class, is a difference i have realized after I've seen this video https://www.facebook.com/share/v/DjgVqtgD3wy2XJzY/ I'd like to ask anyone reading this to please watch this and tell me if you can ever imagine this level of humanity, caring, empathy, heart attunement and emotional maturity to ever be shown by psychologically-undeveloped emotionally-stunted infantile bully narcissist abuser empathy-less trump? Not in a million years. We're talking about a completely different level of HUMAN DEVELOPMENT. A completely different connection to humanity and to the heart.

I think it's clear by now that I'm not a harris supporter, not even close, i wish she wasn't so right-wing, capitalist and zionist in her policies, and i strongly reject the entire tyranical institution of presidency, and yet, still, on the most basic human level it's very very clear which one of them is more caring, more human, more empathetic, more heart-attuned, more connected to God. There's just no comparison. Watch the video.

IMHO they're both horrible on policies, both are pro-empire pro-billionaire pro-genocide pro-empire right-wing zionists, but on the human level (which might be just as important, in terms of its influence of humanity's consciousness), it is clear that she is a more caring and sensitive human being than the infantile Love-less cruel empathy-less greedy psychologically-immature narcissist, who has a relational maturity level of a 4 year old, who dehumanizes and objectifies human beings and the living earth and sees our value only in as much as can be extracted from us for the profit of his Godless billionaire buddies (and who buys his trophy "wives" off of the playboy catalogue, and has sham abusive loveless transactional "relationaships" with them, until they get wrinkled and are replaced by the next trophy wife that this wounded man-child buys). There is no question in my mind which one of them is more connected to the heart and to the sacred essence of humanity. I used to think they're both the same awful right-wing representatives of the billionaire ruling class, and in terms of policy that is true, but in terms of humanity (which might be no less important), there is simply no comparison.

I pray with all my heart that love, caring and empathy shines through. I pray with all my heart that trump's immature empathy-less greed, insensitivity, narcissism, cruelty, dehumanization and cold-hearted objectifying brain doesn't win.

IMHO, Trump's infantile narcissist undeveloped mentality is everything the old human world of domimation, dehumanization, extraction, abuse, insensitivity and trauma was about. In my view, what harris has shown in this video (as much as i wish her policies were left-wing and not so right-wing and pro-billionaires) is the new world of caring, empathy and heart-attunement.

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Interesting perspective. There's a lot of information here that definitely merits looking into. Some of it quite disturbing information that we're definitely not informed about in the mainstream media

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Oh, I barely scratched the surface with what was shared here. A lot more could have been shared but i thought that a 3-part response might be long enough for now 🙂. But anyway, each resource that was shared has quite a few links leading out from it for further more detailed learning and exploration of these important issues, if there's an interest.

Edit: I see now that the 3rd part of my reply has been censored/removed. Quite ironic, considering that this post was about freedom of speech, isn't it?

Is it because i held a different perspective and didn't support the "correct" political candidate?

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It's astonishing that so many people haven't yet discerned that the current U.S. government is not placing the people first.

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Spot on! So clear, and yet ignored. They're good, one must admit. But not good enough. Wholeheartedly basking in the right side of the force trumps (!) the dark one. Cheers!

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Thank you for using your platform and voice to share this message and outline your reasons. It’s SO important and we need thoughtful people like you to be outspoken. It speaks volumes about your character and the importance of this election that you did this. Thank you thank you!!

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Thank you for your well-researched and thought out opinion. I also have been watching what has been going on in the UK (and Canada) and feel free speech is a huge issue in this election though the other side seems to be blind to it. Just a few weeks ago I googled "Trump Rally Savannah" (because I didn't realize he was near us the day before). The AI answered "I am not allowed to discuss politics". So I searched "Harris Rally" and it gave me a whole paragraph of her visits to swing states. I took screen shots in case anyone cared but the other side does not seem to care as long as it benefits them. Agree with you on the other things too.

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That's awful but doesn't quite top the "firing squad" hoax lmao.

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Yeah, it's not as if Trump said he wanted Liz Cheney to go hunting with Dick, Tim Walz, and Lucas Kunce. :-)

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I thought it was hilarious that Mr Shotgun Shell To Hunting Companion's Face Cheney endorsed The Cackler.

even funnier that the DNC representatives thought that was a Good Thing.

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well we could come up with dozens of examples but that is just one of my personal ones.

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Chris, I suspect we've traveled very different political paths over the last few decades, yet when reading this, I feel we're standing together looking from the same perspective. The Trump "Dream Team" of 2024 differs remarkably from Trump's inner circle in 2016 and 2020. It would be exciting to see some of the high-profile Democrats now supporting Trump in key cabinet positions.


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I appreciate that you posted this thoughtful writeup and made it available to the public. Not easy to do, knowing half of the country will disagree with you. It seems only a very small segment of the population are willing and able to stick their neck out like this, so it's important that you are one of the few who have made the effort to do so. I'm sure many more believe what you believe and would be more public about it, if they only had enough financial independence, clarity of thought, courage, and fortitude. Perhaps reading articles like this from people like you will help influence some people's decision. Rather than going with their herd.

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My sentiments exactly! Praying for peace, prosperity, fiscal responsibility, and health! Already voted for the dream team🙌🏼

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While you and I don’t align on everything, thank you for your thoughtful approach. I strongly appreciate and commend you on your analysis, thoughtfulness and transparency. I know you’ll take some heat, but free expression is the cornerstone of a healthy society. Keep up the good work!

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Yes! Excellent thoughts, well written.

Let's break the two party system, but for the moment we need the "dream team" to live up to expectations and get the country going in the right direction!

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I voted in OH Trump/Vance and red down the ballot. Trump is the ONLY option. Chris is correct, this a dream team Trump put together. The Harris camp is nothing more than a fear mongering, hoax/lie, propaganda deep state machine. Their goal is to make Amercia like California. California is forever blue and forever rigged. The legacy media brainwashed young liberal women and the obvious cheating/fraud the Democrats have in play are what to watch out for. The only question is can we stop enough of the cheating to make a difference. It needs to also be TO BIG TO RIG. Get out and vote! Grab a friend. Do it, because your life literally depends on it.

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Excellent point by point view of the issues involved in this election. I appreciate the view from different angles, especially regarding voting differently on the state vs federal level. People need to understand that it's ok to vote for different parties, because these issues are complex and having a variety of viewpoints can be beneficial. Seeing so many vastly different types of people like RFK Jr and Elon Musk step up behind Trump gives me hope we can bring the good from all parties. To me, that speaks to unity louder than all the words I've heard from the other side.

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Great synthesis of the current situation 🙏 I appreciate you even more now! Didn’t know that was possible! 🤩

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Largely in agreement with you! And to any in doubt, GO VOTE1

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Even with a PhD, you can still be a dumbass. It’s incredible to watch “intelligent” people throw away their moral compass thinking they are voting in a surrogate like Kennedy.

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Sadly this is why people are leaving your "side" in droves. You love them until they express a different opinion and then it's immediately a 180 to hate. Musk was a media golden boy until he stepped out of line of the established viewpoint. Immediately he was crucified by everyone that loved him. People are tired of being censored and attacked for having an opinion that differs from the approved narrative. Who is writing the narrative we're all suppose to be following? Why is their story the only one that's always right? Why would we all want to believe the same things 100% of the time? We have to have people who disagree with us or we would never learn and improve as humans and as a country. Historically speaking, without free thought and disagreement we wouldn't actually have a country.

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While I don't agree with "Jon" saying this, how in the hell can you go from calling people snowflakes and following someone who literally threatens opposition with harm, to then getting sensitive over someone's angry rhetoric??? The attention spans on you people gol-ly!

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Thank you Chris!

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100%. All of this. Thank you for your continued advocacy of logic, reason and human wellbeing.

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