Eating a lot more meat than I used to, trying to listen to autoimmune markers (covid + EBV, probably (no V)) before they become a noticeable autoimmune disease. Scary times to be relying on red meat and avoiding almost every other food, as dioxins accumulate in fats / food chain. Farms in NY State aren't directly Ohio River water, but .. rain .. wind ... (& there are many farms in East Ohio / West PA)

A lot of chemical fires these days ~ https://merylnass.substack.com/p/chemical-plants-everywhere-have-caught ).

Appreciate your thoughts on how far the chemicals from the Ohio train disaster reached in wind / rain / water, or on what water filter may be able to deal with them. Berkey says they filter vinyl chloride to below "detectable levels", but they didn't seem knowledgeable about the other chemicals / the dioxins created from the burn.

Much nutrition / supplement advice going around now, yet I was just wrapping my head around the micro-specificity of an autoimmune diet, needing to watch out for starches in supplements, avoid things like chaga that are great but can be not good for AIP.

Speaking of liver, that's the main place cancer happens with some of these chemicals .. will there ever be such a thing as clean meat / veggies, other than careful indoor plants, in this interconnected world of winds, rains, and chemical burns?

Are you staying out of the rain in NYC? Don't want to over react or under react, but we are in the path of the winds from Ohio ... (thanks!)

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I am not worried about getting rained on. I don't see any clear data justifying worry, nor anything obviously actionable to do about it, so therefore I don't see the point of worrying about it. Were I in Ohio I'd have a very different perspective.

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