Hi Chris,

I'm very excited to use the calculator, however, I have a whole-genome .vcf file that might not be the right format, but also is much larger than 25 MB (~1.5 GB). *Probably* it's unsustainable for you to maintain a site where you process such large files for free. Would you consider creating a calculator form where we can enter the alleles for the SNPs and it spits out a recommendation? That seems like it'd be the easiest way to support whole-genome files.

All the best,


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Hey Chris,

Is it compatible to use with Myheritage?

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i converted the MyHeritage .csv file to tab-delimited .txt, but no luck so far.

"Error: The uploaded file is damaged or is not in a format that we recognize."

any idea how to fix this?

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Hi! I downloaded my raw data from TellmeGen and it didn't work. I tried unzipping the file, which gave me a csv file. Didn't work. Tried converting it to a text file, that didn't work either. Any help?

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Hi Chris,

I'd really like to use the Choline Calculator, but I'm wondering what the data privacy/security is like.

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Hey Chris,

Quick question. How come when calculating food sources of choline, when looking at eggs for instance, majority of that is Phosphatidylcholine, but you then aren’t only taking 15% of that?

Compared with supplements like Phosphatidylcholine capsules you say to take only 15% as the amount of choline listed. Any reason why how a supplement listing 136mg of Phosphatidylcholine is not the same as the egg yolk equivalent that has 136mg where 93% of that is Phosphatidylcholine? Just confused why for the food sources 100% of Phosphatidylcholine goes towards the daily requirement, but with the PC supplement you say to calculate only 15%.

It just looks like according to your calculator, 136mg of PC capsules should be roughly equivalent to one egg yolk Since 93% of an egg yolk is listed as PC.

Thanks so much!

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Hey @ChrisMasterjohn would it be possible to send me the SNPs to watch for the genetic choline calculator in a PM. Alternatively, if you list them, I can send my alleles to you, you could calculate for me.

The reason is that I used Nebula, and the input files are not compatible.

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