This originally included a suggestion that total mortality was twice as high in the Novavax trial, with an increase in cardiac deaths. This was made with a sloppy error that neglected the nearly double number of people who received the vaccine vs placebo. In fact, total mortality is non-significantly 9% higher in the vaccine recipients with no inference that can be made around cardiac deaths.

This was not a major inference and was not used in the formation of the protocol. The purpose of the section was actually to describe why the data from Novavax is not adequate to enter into a comparison with the other vaccines, and that remains the case.

The section has been corrected by correcting the statement about total mortality and removing the references to the cardiac deaths.

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This is excellent and especially valuable to anyone with a vaccine injury.

Here are a few thoughts that I put together to share with a family member who got jabbed for his work in the hospitals..


I didn't get vaxt as I was awaiting more than just a few weeks of data. Here's what I have learned so far.

I caught covid in Jan 2022 from a triple jabbed physician friend and his wife. They got quite sick. I used a nebulizer with a mixture of normalized saline solution, 0.1% hydrogen peroxide (if I remember correctly) plus a drop of povalone iodine, nebulized hourly for the first 2 days. I had mild cold-like symptoms, stayed in bed for 2 days then completely recovered. I had low energy for about 5 days and no sore throat, cough or conjestion.

1) The vaccine appears to disable the innate immune system. We know this because the vaxt can get covid repeatedly while the unvaxt (with very rare exceptions) only get covid a 2nd time if their first exposure was too mild to elicit a robust immune system response. This is happening because clearly the vaxt have undetermined their NK (natural killer) and M1 macrophages etc. that in the healthy are the first line of defense against unknown pathogens that identify, kill and remove foreign pathogens like viruses. According to Dr Steve Pelech's work, around 80% of the unvaxt people he tested in 2020-1 in BC and Ontario already had significant covid immunity. I am surprised and saddened by just how few doctors have a clue about how the innate and adaptive immune systems work or how the vaccine has negatively impacted it. Nor do many seem to care.

2) Hopefully the vaccine disabled innate immune system is not a permanent outcome. We know from research that the spike proteins remain in the body and affected organs for up to 15 months but don't know how long the spike induced organ damage lasts. Clearly if people keep getting jabbed, they extend the repair time and new research has confirmed that the spike protein in vaccines can lead to autoimmune diseases like lupus, multiple sclerosis and a host of other immune dysfunction. Again the more times you are jabbed, the greater the risk of longterm and permanent damage. Repeated vaccination also leads to something called immune exhaustion as the vax triggers repeated immune responses that eventually lead to its exhaustion. Jabs also increase the risk of ADE (antibody dependent enhancement) that allows viruses to bypass the immune system altogether thus removing immune protection. Exactly how and why this happens is still not fully understood but we are learning more every day as more vaccine injured come forward and can be studied.

If you are interested in the immune system and how vaccines impact it, Dr Jessica Rose wrote an excellent paper on the subject. This topic is a work in progress and we have learned much since.


Anyone who resisted the vaccine mandates comes to quickly learn that we are at war with our own government(s). The amount and degree of medical censorship is unprecedented. I have been banned for simply reposting US CDC data because the media platforms block anything that is deemed to cause vaccine hesitance whether it is true or not. Why? Not sure but whatever the reason, it is very disturbing.

The good news (see the Atlantic article - DID A FAMOUS DOCTOR’S COVID SHOT MAKE HIS CANCER WORSE?

https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2022/09/mrna-covid-vaccine-booster-lymphoma-cancer/671308/), is that a few mainstream publications are beginning to question what has been happening and realize just how much censorship is going on. As anyone with a science background knows, "the science" is never settled but to stifle debate is not only dangerous, it is counter productive and stops us from learning what we need to make the science better. When idiots like Fauci arrogantly declare that "he is THE SCIENCE," we all have a major problem. He is a paid vaccine shill and nothing more but unfortunately the mindless bureaucrats and politicians don't know or don't care.

I write this because I hope you will stop getting jabbed. If it remains a prerequisite of working, that is a problem but hopefully resistance to this insane medical experiment will increase to a point that it stops.


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I wrote recently of a friend of my mothers who has been recently diagnosed post booster with a rare lymphoma and has come up in lumps all over her body. Another friends sister has pericarditis as boosted on top of natural immunity and while looking at that they found thyroid cancer. Their son 13, also needs his heart monitoring after vaccine so they could holiday. She wants it to be covid from 2 years ago and a genetic problem regarding the son. I don’t know. A friends work colleague young and healthy has been told to now not get his BPM over 100 since his vaccine, we have had severe menstrual problems from a womens business group, a neighbour and uncle will be having no more since increased joint pain, as well as severe nose bleeds and clots in a friends Mum and others reporting similar.

Not from anyone I know personally, but a group of doctors wrote quite early on and I need to find that again, about severe rashes, late developing, not after few days. They were trying to tell others to not just prescribe antibiotics as it was related to the vaccine and they suggested PEG tests. And some people are not getting this….?

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Thanks for writing the info. My partner was one of the early ones, he is diabetic. After 2xAZ he developed long covid symptoms for months. Tired, flu like on and off, bad headaches, shortness of breath….

He then got covid, was bed ridden for a few days, like flu, and 2 weeks of more tired thereafter. We treated 2nd day with a full FLCCC protocol, plus C, D, Zinc, Serrapeptase and Nattokinase with probiotic, Nigella sativa, Quercetin and NAC. Others also mention B3 etc.

The main thing is, so far, he now feels more like he did prior to vaccination. We are keeping an eye so to speak.

I caught mine from him. I was a bit achy for a couple of days, a mild cold with less nose blowing and coughing. A week after of being more tired than normal. But carried on as normal at home. I didn’t take a full protocol, but did take IVM for 5 days, with the vits and enzymes as mentioned and Baicalin. Our teenage son then got it and had v mild symptoms like a cold and mild cough for about a week. Just has vits and Quercetin. Both he and myself are natural immunity and we will be staying that way.

One odd thing I will mention is I have an implant tooth at the back. For the first time it was more obvious, not painful, but achy. I ignored it and it quickly resolved and so far it seems fine after a check up. But since then I have heard of people having problems with teeth being loose post vaccine and also a very small write up about post covid how it can effect the jaw teeth etc, but not much on this at this time, I’ll need to look. Maybe a coincidence. unless there is some manner yet again the vax mimicking?

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Wonderfully thorough and clear presentation of the potential causes of the covid vaccine side effects! Thank you for putting this together. It ties a lot of the information that is floating around and is a great reference to share.

I know you wrote in the comments that you are moving on from this piece, so here are some other potentially useful links regarding side effects for fellow readers.

1. Regarding Novavax, during the clinical trial there was an 86% increase in neoplasms (tumors) in the vaccine group vs placebo, 106% increase in immune system disorders in the vaccine group, and 60% increase in reproductive system and breast disorders in the vaccine group. https://archive.ph/rs8mY

2. Autopsy of triple covid vaccinated man shows spike protein present in the brain as the man had encephalitis when he died. Summary: https://joomi.substack.com/p/a-case-report-showing-spike-protein And actual article: https://www.mdpi.com/2076-393X/10/10/1651

3. Contamination/foreign particles in the covid vaccines. Perhaps this could cause some of the side effects as well?

A) In Japan, 1.6 million Moderna doses were withdrawn due to contamination concerns. At least 180,000 of the contaminated doses were potentially administered: https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2021/08/7fb949bf9198-urgent-unused-moderna-vaccine-doses-may-contain-foreign-materials-japan.html

B) Also, there was a leaked European Union-Pfizer agreement, which showed bacterial proteins, endotoxins, DNA, dsRNA, other contaminants and up to 50% truncated, modified, recombined, junk mRNA in the vaccine: https://vinuarumugham.substack.com/p/leaked-eu-pfizer-agreement-reveals

C) One German group of scientists found contaminants in the vials they examined. This is the full report: https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/22140176/report-from-working-group-of-vaccine-analysis-in-germany.pdf But it is summarized here: https://archive.ph/ZWCfv

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Thanks for sharing the links! Will fix the typo now.

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Glad to see science being done to delve into questions such as spike levels of infection versus various vaccines. The more I learn the more I feel foolish for having gotten the primary series. In my head a firewall protecting vaccines was they must be safer than infection because its a controlled dose vs a run away infection. I did hear the argument that at the very least vaccine spike uptake is more intense than infection. But I didn't imagine spike was most likely way more prevalent from vaccination over an average case of Covid until thinking it through prior to the authorization for 5 -11 year olds. I'll need to read this over again in full but appreciate the efforts being made to understand as much about this as we can.

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This is likely an issue for all intramuscular vaccinations for all respiratory or gut infections: all of them bypass the mucosal barrier, probably with a microbial toxin, whereas the infection gets stopped at the mucosal barrier whenever the immune defense is sufficient.

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Has anyone looked at the potential for variations in the vaccines by lot? Seems like if the drug companies got carte blanche to run a mass human trial they would not make every dose identical but would take the opportunity to diversify the study. That may account for the reports of graphene oxide by some researchers and not others.

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I don’t see how they’d collect data like that unless they somehow controlled which localities got which batch, and looked at aggregate health outcomes there. How would they know who got which lot and what happened to them?

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You did not include an analysis of Marc Girardot's bolus theory for vaccine injuries. Seems like this is worth considering as a method of injury. Seems like it is plausible especially since many of the injections were undertaken at pharmacies and massive jab sites where perhaps training on the correct way to do it was not overseen due to the rush to inject so many people. Seems like fast injection without checking that you inadvertently hit a vein instead of muscle tissue so no routine aspiration may be affecting the resulting location of massive transfection. See some of his substack posts...... to get a flavor....



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I did discuss the effect of greater systemic distribution through veins.

It was not my intention at all to analyze anyone’s hypotheses.

What specifically that Marc said do you feel wasn’t addressed here?

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My counterargument to Marc Girardot's theory:


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I agree with you that this obviously can’t explain everything, but it likely explains some of the reactions.

It isn’t a categorical issue. It’s just more systemic distribution of what proper injection already guarantees the systemic distribution of.

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This was great! Thank you!

Adenovirus? Interesting. First I heard of that.

If tested for adenovirus.... would the results then be positive?

I remember in old articles it said that frequently covid infections were often positive for adenovirus as well. Is what you mentioned the cause for the positive test results?

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No I don’t think you’d get positive test results. But I haven’t studied the tests for those viruses. The vector doesn’t have all the components of the original virus, and it might not replicate at all in respiratory fluids. My suspicion is that it could cause abnormal growths in certain tissues, which ones unknown.

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Oooooh. Ok. Thanks.

I was just wondering because I recall articles when they started vaxxing children .....”a rise in liver issues occurred”. We all assumed due to the jab.

Well later they came out and said the liver issues were from an adenovirus.

So I was quite surprised and haven’t heard much since.

Thanks for taking the time!

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If it was specific to AZ or J&J, I would suspect the adenovirus could be part of the vaccine if it wasn't verified to be something else. If it was shared across vaccines including the mRNA vaccines, I would suspect vaccine-induced immunosuppression could be involved.

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Oh ok.

Yeah. I’m not sure as the articles were not specific. I believe they were news articles out of the UK or Australia. At the time I was following Australian news on Facebook to see all the censorship going on.

The people had barely any outside information at the time and were mostly believing everything they were told regarding vaccinations. I happened to catch these news stories about the liver complications and we assumed the vaxxes. Lol. Oh well. Lol.

Well thanks for your insight. Very much appreciated. Take care. : )

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I wonder what happened to Valneva? A factory in Scotland apparently was built, but the vaccine was abandoned by the UK citing that the company broke its contract with the UK Government, which they deny, and then we were told the UK would not have approved it anyway, but no reason was given. It was apparently a more ‘traditional’ vax with the aluminium adjuvant, but it’s actual make-up I’m not sure about, not that I’m personally interested in it.

On a possible relating note, TV doctors mentioned in a debate recently that there were problems with heart issues with AZ and JJ, but completely seemed to forget the mRNA, they also denied it doesn’t stay at the injection site. The UK then announced a billion deal with Moderna…..

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This is a much appreciated summary, thank you. I will pass this on to people I know who have been injured by these vaccines and sadly a close friend lost a family member post mRNA with heart inflammation complications, healthy late twenties.

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Nov 2, 2022Edited
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Thank you. I can't spend any more time on this, but I appreciate you posting the links for others who may be reading.

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