Funny you should mention allergies. I had several immune events recently. First, I was clearing brush in short sleeves and contracted poison ivy. The active ingredient in poison ivy, urushiol, is a hapten which readily binds to human proteins to form an antigen which langerhans cells present to lymphatic tissue to form antibodies.

Second, I am allergic to a lotion I applied to the poison ivy, which means a second immune event.

Third, likely as a result of these two incidents, one of my teeth became infected.

Good thing I'm supplementing with calcifediol, as that was three hits to my vitamin D levels in a brief period.

However, I haven't yet had any seasonal allergies. They typically hit me the first week of June.--tree pollen.

It's helpful to think in terms of immune events and vitamin D levels dropping as a result of those events.

Vaccination is obviously an immune event as is covid.

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Interesting, thanks for sharing.

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You're a Weston Price guy so it won't surprise you when I report my n=1 study that raw milk completely eliminated my allergies [decades ago]

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Very interesting. I've moved to raw cheese since milk, long-term, causes very mild but growing digestive problems for me over time, but I definitely had the lowest allergies when I first went WAPF and I was drinking a lot of raw milk then.

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All cheese is mildly inflammatory for me but there's no way I'm taking it out of my diet

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Outside of traditional allergy symptoms like those outlined in the article, I've noticed symptom alleviation from Cetirizine for nausea, palpitations, chest pain etc. which leads me to consider histamine/mast cells to be a contribution to these new onset symptoms. My PCP hasn't been able to identify a cause for the new symptoms, Haven't previously suffered from allergy's or these symptoms before 2022.

Curious if there are similar experiences out there?

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That makes sense, since they could be do to epithelial permeability and histamine causes epithelial permeability. Doesn’t necessarily mean they are due to histamine per se.

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do you think that it might be only the vaccines causing more allergies or could it be that if a person had covid they might still have some spike proteins in their bodies??? My nose has been pouring off and on for several months. Never had the vax and didn't have covid that I know of. If I did it was very mild.

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In this particular case, since COVID primarily infects the respiratory tract, I think it could cause the same problems as the vaccines. However, the vaccines do have some wild cards in their design to produce more spike for longer.

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I’m still on the fence about my ‘seasonal allergies’. They’re usually gone in a day, but it’s nasal drip, watery eyes, sneezing. This last bout the rest of my family actually come down with something after (fever, runny nose, fatigue), whereas I’m fine after my one day of symptoms. Now wondering if this is just how I get small colds. . . I’m unvaxxed, my husband double vaxxed, and kids are not-to-be vaxxed.

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I'm going to write about my allergy experience and what I'm doing today. Thanks for sharing yours.

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