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The full episode is only available to paid subscribers of Harnessing the Power of Nutrients

7. α-Ketoglutarate Dehydrogenase: A Massive Enzymatic Factory

Lesson 7 of Masterclass With Masterjohn: The Antioxidant System

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The alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex is marvelously complex and incredibly rich in details that are relevant to the big picture of metabolism and to many issues of health and disease. Today, we break down what actually happens so that we can spend all of the next lesson discussing the rich array of relevant principles it brings to light.

The audio and video of the first three lessons of this course are available to everyone for preview, but lessons 4-39 are for Masterpass members only. Start a preview from the beginning here. To learn more about the Masterpass, click here.

The full video is for paid subscribers

Harnessing the Power of Nutrients
Masterclass With Masterjohn: Energy Metabolism
This is a course with 39 lessons on the biochemistry of how we burn carbohydrate and fat for fuel.
Chris Masterjohn, PhD