
Paid episode

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276: What type and how much psyllium to lower LDL-cholesterol?

Masterjohn Q&A Files Episode 276


Short answer: When trying to stop the early progression of insulin resistance, it is best to use a combination of strength, power and muscle building, fat loss, and high-intensity exercise in 20-second to one-minute bouts; to institute a rhythmic fasting-feeding cycle; and not to use berberine or metformin unless absolutely needed. One good way to integrate these is to use an "earn your carbs" approach to tie your carb rewards to specific physical activity goals.

This episode was cut from the original Q&A session that you can find here.

DISCLAIMER: I have a PhD in Nutritional Sciences and my expertise is in performing and evaluating nutritional research. I am not a medical doctor and nothing herein is medical advice.

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The full video is for paid subscribers