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214: How to feel great on a poor night’s sleep?

Masterjohn Q&A Files Episode 214


Question: How to feel great on a poor night’s sleep?

I would say get rid of the poor night's sleep. And so that's go through the checklist of two to four hours of blue light blocking before bed, up to two to four hour, depending on your needs, psychological winding down routine, in which you clear everything off your to-do list, everything off your problem-solving list, focus on a paperback fiction, TV, video games, movies, et cetera. Deal with all those things first, because I don't think there is any magical one-off cure for poor night's sleep.

And then if cold exposure helps, then that tells me that boosting norepinephrine is what's helping. So how do you boost norepinephrine? There's a lot of micronutrients involved in norepinephrine synthesis. So vitamin C, copper, salt, lots of things come into play, antioxidants that is. Cold exposure, maca root, coffee are probably the biggest things that you could use.

This Q&A can also be found as part of a much longer episode, here:

082: Ask Me Anything About Nutrition, February 7, 2021

DISCLAIMER: I have a PhD in Nutritional Sciences and my expertise is in performing and evaluating nutritional research. I am not a medical doctor and nothing herein is medical advice.

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