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177: Menstrual Migraines, Pregnancy, and HRT

Masterjohn Q&A Files Episode 177


Question: Menstrual Migraines, Pregnancy, and HRT

What I think is happening is the estrogen is probably suppressing DAO when it's higher, but because it's staying suppressed, there's compensation that's happening for it to help minimize the histamine level. Whereas when the estrogen is cyclical, it's suppressing DAO when the body hasn't made any adaptations to low DAO. And that's sort of like sometimes women will get very strong problems with histamine coming off of a pregnancy because the DAO has been so high so long that all the other adaptations that you would have in other ways of breaking down histamine or down-regulating histamine receptors or whatever else, have all been... There's been no need for them. And so your body is maximally accustomed to DAO doing all the work for you.

This Q&A can also be found as part of a much longer episode, here:

080: Ask Me Anything About Nutrition, December 2, 2020

DISCLAIMER: I have a PhD in Nutritional Sciences and my expertise is in performing and evaluating nutritional research. I am not a medical doctor and nothing herein is medical advice.

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