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154: What’s the best way to increase ferritin?

Masterjohn Q&A Files Episode 154


Question: What’s the best way to increase ferritin?

If you're taking an iron chelate supplement then you should probably take it with a carnivore meal. Vitamin C and a few other ones, folate, are not really vegan nutrients but they're very plant-oriented nutrients in terms of what's the thing you're probably going to add to your diet that's going to help. And so I really feel like if I had iron deficiency anemia, I would probably just spend four weeks on a carnivore diet that was rich in red meat and if I really wanted to just pick a simple dietary plan, go all in on it.

This Q&A can also be found as part of a much longer episode, here:

078: Ask Me Anything About Nutrition, August 19, 2020

DISCLAIMER: I have a PhD in Nutritional Sciences and my expertise is in performing and evaluating nutritional research. I am not a medical doctor and nothing herein is medical advice.

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