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056: Do you have any recommendations on how to get enough calcium on a low-carb, no-dairy diet?

Masterjohn Q&A Files Episode 56


Do you have any recommendations on how to get enough calcium on a low-carb, no-dairy diet?

The bioavailability of calcium from different vegetables is highly dependent on the specific vegetables. 

Cruciferous vegetables have very good bioavailability. It's better than from milk. Spinach has like close to zero bioavailability. It's terrible and you shouldn't even count it. Nuts and seeds have about 20% of the calcium being absorbed. If you compare that to milk --- milk is probably going to be like 30% or 40%. Cruciferous vegetables are going to be like 50% or 55%.

The real problem is the volume. If you look at broccoli or kale and you look at how much volume of those foods do you need to eat in order to get 1000 to 1500 milligrams of calcium a day, which is the target, it's a ridiculously high volume. 

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