Video: The 3 Things Bryan Johnson is Missing From His $2 Million Dollar Longevity Routine
What’s the 80/20 of Bryan Johnson’s longevity routine? What can we learn with it that we can use to improve our lives without losing all our time and money in the process?
Bryan Johnson is an entrepreneur who sold his company Braintree Venmo to PayPal for $800 million in 2013, and now identifies as the world’s most measured human, and his goal is to use his Project Blueprint, a longevity project on which he spends $2 million a year, to bring longevity strategies to the common person for the benefit of all humanity.
As a PhD in Nutritional Sciences with over 20 years of research, including the vetting of hundreds of biomarkers, these are the three key types of data I believe he’s missing, what I think we can discard from his plan, what can be improved, and what you can learn from this to apply in your own journey toward a longer and healthier life on a budget of much less than $2 million a year.
I’d honestly never heard of the man till now. Looked home up, watched a few vids. I’m not the genius that Chris is, but one look at the dude and I can tell you he needs to get out in the SUN maybe surf in the ocean. Is he trying to be the next “Edward” pop culture immortal blinding us in the flesh? Yikes! There are things that nature provides which we are still completely oblivious to, therefore cannot biohack. the sun, the earth, ocean...
Hi Chris. Fantastic video and I have a question:
You mentioned towards the end that none of the DNA testing companies help you to figure out your specific primary strengths and weaknesses in order to optimize health. However, I just listed to an interview with Kashif Khan, CEO of the DNA company and biohacker Ari Whitten on Ari’s podcast, “The Energy Blueprint” and it sure sounds like the DNA company is attempting to do this for people. Here’s the information and info so you can check it out - I am just curious what you think about it and maybe it’s a good topic for another video or substack post. Thanks!
The DNA Company
Interview with the CEO of The DNA Company - Kashif Khan and Ari Whitten from The Energy Blueprint:
Danica Patrick interviews Kashif Khan