Much of what is claimed about lengthening lifespan in the longevity spaces comes from highly questionable animal models.
Do we live a longer life by going into a state of dormancy, like the famous worm, C. elegans?
Do we attain immortality through transdifferentiation like the biologically immortal jellyfish, Turritopsis dohrnii?
Or do we eat a chemically defined and optimized diet with no deviations, live in a specific pathogen-free bubble and get a 24/7 on-call personal doctor like the lab mouse?
Despite claims that the oldest old die from a general principle of senescence, the best data show that all humans die of specific, definable causes.
We should begin the search for longevity not by trying to find a universal principle of senescence across all living organisms, but rather by studying the reasons humans die of the specific causes they die of in the real world, how to prevent those causes, and how to stay healthy as we expand lifespan.
The current snapshot of the leading causes of death in Western societies is in a dynamic flux where cancer has long been replacing heart disease as a leading cause of death and where that too is now giving way to a diversity of many causes as human lifespan begins to converge back on its natural length -- something that had been enormously disrupted by the Industrial Revolution and which we are only now recovering from.
The medical model has done wonders by treating heart attacks in the emergency room, and if mainstream medicine can claim to have cleaned up the puss-filled unrefrigerated milk problem of the 1800s and early 1900s, then it has two major claims under its belt. Aside from that, however, it did more harm than good.
How do we know? Because the NUTRITION that eliminated the major infectious disease killers BEFORE antibiotics and vaccines came on the scene could have served as wildly low-hanging fruit to battle the diseases that took the place as the major killers for the last nearly 70 years.
The medical model pushed nutrition into a corner as it sought to develop disease-specific pharmaceuticals, each of which had no general power against the other challenges to longevity, and thus led to endless wildly expensive R&D wars against each singular major killer.
This presentation covers the low-hanging fruit of nutrition for longevity, how to take it to the next level with nutritional optimization, and DIY home strategies for putting yourself on the path to find your own highly unique personal super-unlock that will unleash your own personal potential for a long and healthy life.
Watch it here:
To dive even deeper into the super-unlock part of the equation, check out my article and video, How I Found My Health “Super Unlock” After 20 Years of Research and 20,000 Genes Tested.
I feel like Keith Richards and Paul Rudd should be on this panel
Thanks! This is one of my favorites!