Here is a list of all my appearances on podcasts and other online broadcasts:, #2055, SFH: The Current State of Bodybuilding + Inside the Beautiful Mind of Dr. Chris Masterjohn, (7/21/17)
Paleo For Women, Episode 127, Food, Stress, and Inflammation, Macronutrients, & Body Composition with Chris Masterjohn, PhD., (7/18/17)
Paleovalley, Episode 79, Beginner’s Guide To Research with Dr. Chris Masterjohn.
Health Geeks Radio, Episode 72, Is It Really A Vitamin D Deficiency?, (6/12/17)
Live to 110 with Wendy Myers, Episode 199, Deep Dive Into Minerals (4/13/17)
30/30 Strong Health Podcast, Episode #5, An Interview with Chris Masterjohn PhD, (2/28/17)
Paleovalley Podcasts, Episode 48, The Truth About Red Meat & Saturated Fat with Chris Masterjohn Ph.D., (11/4/16)
Dr. Michael Ruscio, How to Determine What Your Optimum Level of Vitamin D Is With Dr. Chris Masterjohn, Ph.D., (8/31/16)
The Ancestral RDs, Episode 72, Connecting The Science With Daily Life: Chris Masterjohn On Carbs, Sugar, And Weight Loss, (9/22/16)
Brazilian Health Nut, Episode #032, The Science of Weight Loss with Dr. Chris Masterjohn, (8/14/2016)
Barenaked Health Podcast, Resolving Inflammation, Vitamin K2 and Great Sleep with Dr. Chris Masterjohn, (8/3/2016)
The Quantified Body, Episode 46, Chris Masterjohn, Fat-Soluble Micronutrients Optimization, (7/26/16)
Sigma Nutrition Radio, Episode 129, Glycation, Oxidative Stress, and the Protective Effects of Glucose and Insulin, (7/5/16)
Wise Traditions, Episode 28, Fat Does a Body Good! (6/27/16)
Ben Greenfield Fitness, Why Sugar Isn't as Dangerous as You Might Think, How Your Genetics Affect Your Sleep, Liver Toxicity & Much More With Dr. Chris Masterjohn, (5/31/16)
Stand Up! With Pete Dominick, Discussion on veganism between Nutritional Sciences Researcher, Dr. Chris Masterjohn and founder of, Dr. Michael Greger.
Diane Sanfilippo, Episode 69, Balanced Bites: Talking nutrient synergy with Dr. Chris Masterjohn!
Real Food Summit, The Scientific Approach of Weston Price.
Orthoanalytica, Faith, Science, and Nutrition.
Green Earth Radio, Interview with Aaron Zober on the Appropriate Omnivore.
Doc Fermento Discovers the World 19: Our Favorite Sterol, Cholesterol!
Ask the Low-Carb Expert,s Episode 6: All Things Lipids (Cholesterol 101). (2/16/12)
Chris Kresser, Episode 11, Cholesterol and Heart Disease With Chris Kresser on The Healthy Skeptic and Revolution Health Radio: Part 1 (6/7/11), Part 2,(9/8/11) and Part 3, (2/8/12)
Superhuman Radio with Carl Lenore, Episode #896,The REAL Story on Vitamin A.
Bulletproof, Episode 16, The Bulletproof Executive with Dave Asprey and Armi Legge: Everything You Need to Know About Saturated Fats and Cholesterol
Talk 650 KSTE, Cary Nosler's Wide World of Health: At the Intersection of Price and Paleo
One Radio Network, My Interview with Patrick Timpone: Understanding America's Most Demonized Nutrient, (10/11/11)
Cary Nosler's Wide World of Health: Cholesterol and more.
My interview with The Blogger Formerly Known as Low-Carb Hank.
The Livin Low Carb Show, Episode 431, with Jimmy Moore, Encore Week 2011
Mercola,Interview with Dr. Mercola on The China Study, (1/8/11)
Joanne Unleashed, Interview with Joanne Nelson on Cholesterol
The Kat James Show: The Truth About Cholesterol and “Bad Fats”: Villains or Heroes?
The Livin Low Carb Show, Episode 314, The Health Benefits of Cholesterol
EVO Health Radio Show, The skinny on Fats, (2010)
Cholesterol Interview with Our Natural Life
The Science of Cod Liver Oil with Our Natural Life
Underground Wellness with Sean Croxton, Episode 8, The Real Cholesterol Story, (2/10/2009)