"Forever Strong" by Dr. Gabrielle Lyon
Why muscle mass will save you from premature aging.
Dr. Gabrielle Lyon has a new book out, Forever Strong: A New, Science-Based Strategy for Aging Well.
Dr. Lyon and I both see eye-to-eye on the need to eat adequate protein to sustain muscle mass for longevity.
Forever Strong takes the focus away from weight loss and fat loss and puts it on strength, activity, and muscle mass.
I am looking forward to reading it and interviewing her about it on my podcast.
I’ll add comments on this post as I get through it and come to important insights.
Are you reading it? If so, post your insights in the comments as well!
I'm about to start listening to her Audible book today! As a regular listener to her podcast (and yours) not sure if I'll learn anything new, but we'll see... I found your post yesterday about how crucial biotin is for those of us following a high-protein diet to be one of the most thought-provoking additions to the high-protein space for a VERY long time. I imagine Dr Lyon will say in her book that there is no documented downside to very high protein intakes (as per the Jose Antonio protein overfeeding studies.) But it seems that your cutting edge research into biotin actually throws up some real caveats about how to properly support a high protein diet. So whilst I am glad her 'don't fear protein and strength training' message is getting out there, it could lead to future health issues if it does not incorporate your advice on biotin - so a bit of a 2-edged knife so to speak... It's up to you Chris to get your biotin message out to all those of us who have become high-protein converts! No pressure!
I like Dr Gabrielle Lyon's thinking and have enjoyed listening to podcasts that have interviewed her recently about her book. Her muscle-centric message is both empowering and inspirational. Having downloaded and listened to several hours worth of content, however, I think she would have done far better to get a professional to read the text.